When things fall apart

In this post i want to give you a book recommendation. The book really changed my way of thinking so i thought it might enlighten your lives too. I originally read it in german language but I‘ll give you the english title: „when things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times“ by Pema Chödron. I havent finished the book yet but it is strongly buddhistic marked even though it isnt focussing on worshipping gods but on the way of life of a buddhist. To honor everything and everyone without wanting something in return, Helping each other and specifically in this book: learning how to deal with crises. The author always mentions that it is not the crises which frighten people but rather that there is no stable phase in our lives which will stay forever. There isnt any possibility to be constantly happy. There is no way to figure out a way without crises. And this is good because crises are what indicates us, the way we deal with them is characterizing us. Chodron says we have to use crises as a chance, that we can learn from. We shouldnt see them as an obstacle but as a possibility to prevent mistakes the next time we have to face a similar crisis.

So this book gives a lot of good advices but the problem i have is to convert what i read into the reality and using her advices because in situations where we are confronted with problems we forget everything we learned and as a consequence bad habits and emotions are controlling the way we deal with this situation. So we have to train ourselves to not be bothered too much of an incident but to calm down and analyse the situation and then decide reasonable. I may also have to read the book more than one time to „install“ the instructions how to behave in conflicts so that i can apply it into the reality.
I hope you enjoyed this post. For the german readers the books title is: wenn alles zusammenbricht. Eine hilfestellung für schwierige zeiten.

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