Less everything else, More fun!

I just farted pretty loudly in a cafe. They were playing guitar classical music, a very quiet place. Oops!

In other news....life is a dynamic animal. It's interactive. It responds to us, often not how we want it to or expect it to, but it does.

I do a lot of thinking. A lot of analyzing. There is surely a time and place for this, but it is not the healthiest of default modes.

I realize over and over again that I'm not usually at my best when I'm overanalyzing. I come up with brilliant ideas when I feel good about analyzing things. But whenever it isn't exciting, I just tire myself out and feel stressed.

I realize that I am at my best when I'm a total idiot farting in cafes and laughing about it. Speaking in ridiculous riddles that are infused with bits of wisdom in a playful Adventure Time esque way of interacting.

Sometimes making a stupid facial expression can cure cancer, or Donald Trump from people's day. Sometimes a little dance can melt the ice that has frozen our hearts. Sometimes ignoring an intellectual debate in favor of an unexpected burp can do more to convince others of our point then a long windy conversation.

It's better to have that long conversation when it feels good. For everything else, there's potty humor!

Read my serious shit (fiction), listen to my music or give me money at this link

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