Fast rhythm of the city

I always thought it was strange that people say the rhythm of the city is fast or that it's fast-paced I find everything to be so much slower in the city. Getting around is slower. Getting things done is slower. Getting to know people on slower. Finding your place is slower. Making life work is slower.

I get it now though. When you are really busy, time moves quickly and it seems like you've done absolutely nothing during that time. Your heart moves fast when you have to make it across the city in not enough time and then rush on to the next thing on your list. People forget you faster, you forget things faster. Life kind of fades away faster if you aren't careful.

When every day is the same, we forget to make the most of it and we get older faster. When we don't have enough time for ourselves, we can't wait for time to move faster and so we sleep through it.

The passionate people I know have a solution for this. They stay as busy as they can with things they care about and keep it up as long as they don't burn out.

I'm trying it their way for the time being. I don't even have a full schedule at work and I play less than most people I know, but I already feel it's a bit much. Spring is when everything is happening and so I've been trying to keep up with it all.

Wednesday is my busiest day at work, 9am to 12pm. Thursday and Friday I volunteered at the bookstore and since I was nearby i reconnected with all the shops I lost touch with. Those are my days off, so Saturday felt long and after work I went to meet a friend who came to visit with her family. Today I finished at 4 and I'm off to a discussion event. Tomorrow I have an appointment with my new massage therapist (who is pretty decent!). Tuesday I finally have some time after work (unless something comes up which it may). Then Wednesday is my long day again. Thursday and Friday I was thinking of volunteering again but I'm not so sure since I didn't have any time to work on my music last week. I cannot even consider lounging around for a day, to do so is essentially a huge postpoment of the show I would like to have early next month.

If I get too tired I will take a break. I won't sacrifice my health, but surprisingly this extremely busy with this and that state has not hurt my back, it seems to have actually helped, so it's a bit stressful but as long as it's not uncomfortable, I will keep going!!

Maybe it's just training to get me working harder on the things I'm passionate. I really wanna start doing videos on dtube again, talking and sharing music.

Hope you are all well, I'll read your posts this week! Despite all that's going on, I'm using my transportation time for steemit and whaleshares. I will meditate in the winter when things slow down!


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