Are you making the best if this moment?

I woke up about two hours ago and now I'm on my way to work.

I woke up full of creative ideas and not much time. In the past, I would have moaned about this stupid job and how much I wanted to be free. I would complain about society for pushing us into little boxes and rewarding some of the worst behavior and punishing some of the best.

There is still all that, but at this very moment, fuck it. I had ideas for songs and one hour, so I developed the song as I took a shower and recorded a rough version in the 30 minutes before I had to leave. Now I'm on the train and I just wrote some lyrics.

In the past it would have taken me 6 months to develop a song to this point, now it takes me 30 minutes.

What's changed?

My focus. Nothing else

I'm not much more talented than I was two years ago. I don't have much more knowledge. My conditions aren't better. I don't have more money. I have less time and less friends around me. I have more pressure. The only difference is that I don't let myself get distracted by the things I have no control over.

I have a long ways to go and there are plenty of people who are doing much better than myself, but I feel it's important for me to share my story because I know what it's like to be nearing 35 years old without achieving much. I know what it's like to feel powerless and incapable. I also know what it's like to feel everything start to make sense and everything coming together, and what better way to share that then to show you what it's like every day, going from disempowered to empowered.

To be honest, I felt groggy when I woke up. I wanted more sleep, but as I usually do, I searched for the best feeling thought I could find. All I could come up with was a chocolate muffin that I can eat on my way to work. I literally could not think of a single more exciting thought. But I thought of that muffin.

Then from there I searched for a better feeling thought and one appeared! If I got to work before anyone else, I'd be able to listen to some loud music (I have no speakers at home). That would be cool! So I jumped out of bed and into the shower.

While was in the shower I caught a melody from the ether. "This would be an awesome Acapella song" I thought. For a second I thought " time for music", but then I thought a rough demo to save the idea can't take more than 10 minutes. So I spent two minutes on each track, 6 tracks total. I'll re-record it when I have time.

It was like catching a beautiful fish.

Just think of how much more enjoyable your life will be if you make the most of each moment. Then practice.

Share your results with me! I want to hear how awesome your day was.


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