The Elements

The Elements

I found a letter that I wrote to my mom last summer when I was off living in the forest for a couple months. I wanted to give her some power to get through a difficult time. I haven't posted too frequently as of late, but wanted to share this with you all.


You are Fire.

Creation & Destruction
Inspiration through action
Your happiness radiates possibility

You'll burn a city to ashes just to see flowers bloom again

You are Water.

Containing the depth and breadth of emotion
You know the mysteries hidden in the ocean
You may nurture life
Or you may smother it.

You are the flowing stream and the tsunami
Transforming endlessly

You are Air.

You are the balance and you adapt to what is just
You fill all the spaces between and you are what binds them
You are impermanence
And the sandstorm that blinds them
The gust that guides them
But only for those with an open Eye.

You are Earth.

Strength & Endurance.
You are our Stability
Unshaken turbulence

You are the Rockslide that crushes
And the Foundation that supports my growth

You are Spirit.

Occupying this vessel
A beacon of light
Exploring the illusionary space between us

You are the string that ties it all together
The Law of Attraction at work

You are God.

& You are Love
Always calling me back home

May you always see the goodness; all the sweetness in what tastes bitter.
And show your true strength through kindness
For those who are so bitter
You must be the sweetest
For they are burdened by their suffering
Lighten their load

Now, imagine a world where you only add value to a space
You're doing it Now
Be Here Now.

Love & Light
šŸ’œ šŸ”„šŸ’œ

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