My Beliefs when it comes to Spirituality

    There's a lot of steps that come into spirituality, when the awakening happens. 

When it comes to spirituality people thing good vibes and positive energy, my concept it a bit different.

 Now I've read the book The Secret, Think and Grow Rich,  Maximum Achievement and The KunLun Method. What if found in these books were that they all displayed a similar concept, Mindset, Vibrations and The Law of Attraction. What are these things? Let me dive a little deeper into the rabbit hole. 

When it comes to mindset, your mindset influences everyone else, have you ever noticed a really sad or angry person can put a damper on your mood influencing you to mirror those emotions, since that very room is filled with negative energy or you can have a very happy person, energized person come in the room and rub off on you and influence you into a better mood, that's why I strive to minimize my negative influences such as a down talking parent, contradictory friend or a lazy mentor. These mindsets can either spiral you into a surrounding of productivity or self loathing which can drain down into depression which everyone faces eventually, it's how we go about tackling it is the important issue. I find that I used to lock myself away from people when I was depressed and that's the opposite you should do, I feel. What I do now to get out of a negative funk is the karaoke my favorite songs, repeating a motivational speech I have memorized, take a cold shower and do some self-affirmations, by the time it's over I'm happy, energized, social and excited for the day. 

Now we have vibrations, vibrations are energy we can all say, but do you realize what kind of vibrations happen inside you? You have vibration of the heart(Physical) and vibrations of the mind(mental). Now the mind and heart can give out many different types of vibrations, some replicas of each other too, like how anxiety and excitement are the same physical reactions in the body, the only difference is the vibrations of the mind or mindset at the time. Now we have last but not least, the thing that wraps all of this together is The Law of Attraction. Now with the Law of Attraction it is a concept in which the human mind and hearts vibrations can influence the Universe to bring such things into existence, like when you mention a recent nostalgia and now it begins popping up everywhere or when you say I hope I don't see such and such today and think powerfully about it with our Mind and heart, and boom that thing is now present in your day. Now people think this is extremely far fetched, which I'd agree if I hadn't read these books and had started noticing it more and more the more I believed it. Now if you have to grand pianos in the same room, across from each other, if you stuck a key on that piano, you'll notice on the same key vibrating on the piano that had not been struct, because the vibrations matched each other, vibrating and giving it energy that was not physically influence directly. Now I believe if you focus on something hard enough with emotion and belief that life will open opportunities for you to take advantage of, it's not just mind but body too, putting in some effort, belief and emotion to get the thing you're attracted to most to come to you, now this can also screw you over too, you can do this by dwelling on things that are negative that you believe, feel and act with bring them into your life by attracting it, such as fear of losing your wife, fear of losing your job, fear of being unhealthy, these are things I believe you can think yourself into, since other people feel your vibrations, hear you cry's and see your actions.

  Now what I think religion is, not to step on any ones beliefs, I feel if there was truly a God and Devil, God would make no religion and let man roam free with their mind and if there were a Devil he'd make religion to divide people from one another. I do believe in God, but in a less conscious sense, I believe that if the Universe if conscious or unconscious, that it is there, the Universe produced energy, enough energy for our Earth to develop life, evolution and intelligence, maybe it did it on accident, maybe the expanding of the Universe was set up to follow this path of Life in the Universe. I do not know, but what I do know is that I'll forever be thankful for the life I was given, even if it is a spec on the timeline of the Universes existence.

 If you guys what me to write on Sociology, Psychology, Self-development, Persuasion, Dyslexia(which I have), Self-micro dosing, Motivation, Workouts, Nutrition or Red Pilling, let me know in the comments below!!!    

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