We are living in a day and age where racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, etc, have become a part of our everyday life. It is so deeply rooted and ingrained into our culture that a lot of times we unintentionally participate in these behaviors, often without even realizing it. It is up to us to educate ourselves about it so we can recognize it when it surfaces. If someone tells you about their experience, or about any injustices they may have felt, listen to them. Once we recognize it, and stop participating in it, that is when change will take place. You may feel that as just one individual, you cannot make a change, but your impact, no matter how big or small, does make a difference. 

 As a good friend of mine, Brian MaGuire states: To be politically correct, many people may claim they are not prejudice, etc, and consider everyone to be equal, but they don’t FEEL that way. People hide behind their masks, in fear of being exposed. It is the nature of the ego to feel separate, territorial, superior, or inferior. We are separated by country, state, culture, and family, which is then separated by social status, race, gender, looks, education, religion, politics, and personality.
Since birth we have been subjected to separatism at various levels, shaping our thoughts, controlling our perceptions, and steering us from the truth. As a result, we have become human label makers, always judging and comparing ourselves to others, suffering needlessly.
We have become so distant from our TRUE IDENTITY, smothered by insecurities, doubts, fears, and worries that accompany the ego dominated reality. Fake by-products of a broken society wearing many masks, drowning in self-deception and lies. It is only when we can dissolve these conventional constructs, (self-image, status, societal and cultural influences, etc.) that we can become authentic!

Until we become aware that we are in prison, we cannot free ourselves! When you start to work on yourself, you learn who you really are outside of the insecure, fragile, unstable, controlled, over-reactive, fearful, attached, limited, temporal ego-self.
As you become more spiritually and emotionally mature, you can then free yourself from the shackles of the ego-centered reality. There is no more separatism, you begin to see yourself in everyone. Color, wealth, gender and ethnicity no longer corrupt your mind or cloud your vision. Ultimately, we are one consciousness, an undeniable Universal truth! 


And once we understand and apply these concepts, we will experience life in the absolute best way possible.  

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