Past Lives ~ Soul Birth

The following is a brief description of my first Past Life Recall ~ The very experience that set me off on the path to become ‘The Crystal Man’


I was taking part in an intensive three part (over six months) Crystal Awareness course Facilitated by James Sargeant and we were learning how to conduct healings. There were quite a few of us and we were all split into pairs except for my group which was three. My Wife, our friend Marty and I. It was my turn to ‘go under’ and unbeknown to me at the time, I had two of the most powerful people working on me.
As I passed into a mediative state I started to journey to the Astral Realm. This was of no surprise as I had done it many times. I felt the ‘normal’ presence of other energies and entities around me but there was something different building, unseen, then a force snatched me and I felt myself speeding into the unknown.
It felt like I was travelling vast distances being pushed and pulled, left and right all the while feeling a complete calm and familiarity.
Then a light appeared in the distance. As it grew closer, it changed its hues through blues and greens until I realised I was looking at our planet from above. ‘We’ circled the sphere a number of times, slowing our speed and edging closer until I was released and left on my own to continue gently spiralling around the globe toward the surface.
I was travelling at a height where I could start to make out the details of a vast forest canopy when I felt myself transforming. I was now gliding above this immense sea of trees with the most powerful wings. I saw an ocean on the horizon and realised I would be landing where the trees and water met.
As I slowed to land on a grey pebbled beach, I saw my shadow spreading before me and watched in amazement as my wings folded behind me and out of sight. I stood there in complete stillness with only the sound of small waves lapping on the shore and came to the realisation that I had just experienced the birth of my earthly soul. (excuse me while I reach for the Kleenex!)
I stood there, looking out over the ocean but only for a short moment before I was whisked away from the serenity and onto an amazing journey through a multitude of past lives. A stone age warrior, a naïve girl child struck down, a simple farmer, a builder of round homes and stone circles, an old hermit hag, a traveller are but a few. My Wife was there more often than not, once I was a Red Coat fighting in America and my Wife and I were getting ready for some important do and we checked ourselves in the mirror and there, staring back at me were the faces we wear today. There was a theme that stood out, and that was of being a warrior or protector in so many. A protector of a wizard, witch, shaman, hag, all of which were a person I know today as James. This was revisited not long after but that’s another story.
I couldn’t tell you how many lives there were suffice to say there were many. In all, I was looking through my eyes and experiencing them as I was there. This was not like a dream, I was there.
Toward the end, everything sped up. I was being shown at a rapid rate and I could feel a pulling and I could hear a desperate no calling from within, “no, we’re not finished”.
My Wife and Marty had though I was ‘under’ for too long so had begun to pull me out. Not their fault, they weren’t to know what was happening. I came to and opened my eyes and just lay there for a moment trying to understand what had just happened to me. I began to cry and swiftly became inconsolable. I was crying at the sadness of my experience ceasing, the sheer beauty of what I had seen, the overwhelming realisation and knowledge of what I am. I was surrounded by maybe 20 women that were attending the course while the joy flowed from my eyes, that was another experience altogether, the pure love was remarkable to say the least.

It’s one thing to believe, a far different one to know. Tears flow whenever I recount this experience, as they are now.

I welcome your comments and would love to hear of your experiences with past life, be they yours or anothers.

Thank you for taking the time to read.


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