Monday mindfulness oracle card

Hey Steemit.
It’s been awhile, but I felt compelled to return to steemit after somewhat of a mental health hiatus. I’ve been doing a lot of shadow work these last few weeks, and I’ve found a deck of cards that really seem to connect to my journey on a molecular level, so I thought now that we are shaking loose mercury retrograde and trying to regain our bearings, a card might be helpful. 506BAE9B-1114-4474-A9EE-9C4701226004.jpeg

This is the Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck by Alberto Villoldo, Collette Baron Reid, and Marcela Lobos.

The Hunter:
The guidebook urges us to look to our pre-agriculture roots as hunters, taking only what we can eat, and giving thanks for the animals that sacrificed so that we may live. It encourages us to rely on our own instinct and common sense instead of the paths others have laid out.

If you are stuck on a path that you feel is not your own, ask yourself when you stopped trusting your own instincts. Start stripping away all the things you think you HAVE to do and allow the map of possibilities to open up before you.

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