Random Thoughts To Help You Meditate (Better)

I meditate...

Not as often as I should 😓 (Yeah for some weird ass reason the markdown emoji isn't working so you'll just have to look at these outdated ones from 2004 instead). But I have been getting into it more recently as I've been really speeding up my "journey". Anyhow, I just wanted to give you guys some simple tips to help your meditation. After all, I'm still learning just as much as you all are so we're really just on this journey together!

  • Pick any position you want - Most people think you have to sit Sukhasana style - you know, the one where you have to lift one leg above the other and then your OTHER leg on top of that one, but most people can't do that shit so they just cross their legs? Yeah, that one. You don't have to do that. Another common position is laying flat on the back with your arms by your side, which, I could agree is one of the most effective positions (especially if trying to astral travel). However, even for me, sometimes laying completely on my back is uncomfortable. You should never be uncomfortable during your meditation. All that matters is you are still and focused. So pick any position that is comfortable for you and remain still 😁

  • Visualizations - A common question about meditation is "what am I supposed to visualize"? And the answer is nothing. You should not be forcing yourself to see anything. If a vision comes to you during meditation, that's different. But don't strain your mind trying to picture your "happy place". Your spirit will find one eventually (I'm still looking for mine). The point is to relax your mind and let whatever thoughts come to you, do so. (SIDE NOTE - If you like to visualize, do it! The point I was trying to get across was that it isn't necessary and you shouldn't be using a lot of energy from your mind to create these scenes)

  • Time - You can always find time to meditate and there is no wrong time to meditate. There are, however, more efficient times to do so. The morning/when you first wake up is considered the "best" time for this practice. This is because your mind has not had the time to "wake up" and start processing all of the details of this reality and your life. You are much more connected to your higher-self without you even realizing it. Also, you can meditate whenever, wherever * Shakira's chorus plays *. Although closing your eyes and being still is recommended, you can meditate while you're awake. Ever driven in the car without music on and just got lost in your thoughts? That's a form of meditation. If you're having trouble finding "time" then just do a shorter session! Nothing wrong with 5-10 minutes every day.

  • Mantras - Let me say this; I never even looked up what a mantra was until right now. I don't talk to myself much when I meditate. But Spirit came to me the other day while meditating and put these words in my head, "I am not my mind, I am not my body". Immediately I knew this was called a "mantra". I had heard the word before but never knew what it meant. Mantras (definition from Wikipedia) are a sacred utterance, a numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit believed by practitioners to have psychological and spiritual powers. These can be extremely helpful during meditation because they distract you from your current thoughts and they also reassure positive affirmations which subconsciously help you with your process. I am a million percent sure I did not invent "I am not my mind, I am not my body". But it was really helpful for me so maybe you should give it a try! Or make one up yourself. There are thousands of mantras you can use and I really suggest checking them out, as I have done so myself.

...and that's pretty much it!

Thanks for reading! I hope I gave you some useful tips or at least sparked some interest in this area of your life. Just wanted to get these thoughts out. Upvote, comment, or follow if you enjoyed!

Love & Light
~Steem Spirit

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