Navigating All The News Drama, Info & Dis-info. Not Sure Where To Find The Truth?

During and after awakening we can easily become addicted to and entrenched in the constant flow of alternative new, space drama, speculation even mainstream news. We are addicted to knowing what's happening to do with our hidden controllers being taken down. I have a really important spiritual message for you regarding this. I really hope you will listen and pass it on to anyone else who is obsessing over alternative news.

I'm Nicky Sutton video maker, qualified past life regressionist, spiritual guide, writer and vegan, on a mission to spread love, and help people during and after their spiritual awakening. Providing spiritual inspiration your journey through life. Thank you so much for visiting this post.
My partner Antti and I are also creators of (not for profit). Uniting humanity globally in meditation. Aiding ascension and manifesting a better world using 'The Meditation Effect'.
My personal website is
Spiritual Awakening.jpg
Please leave me and others a comment to let us know what you think, and support each other during spiritual awakening and beyond. Please upvote!... any revenue goes back into creating more spiritual videos. Much love.

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