SrimadBhagavatam Episode 245: Puranjana becomes old; Chandavega attacks his kingdom

SrimadBhagavatam Episode 245: Puranjana becomes old; Chandavega attacks his kingdom

Puranjana continued, “O self-respecting lady! You have such beautiful teeth and eyebrows. Your charming face accompanied by the shy, loving gaze which your shower is like sprouting bud. Your curly black locks add to your beauty. Will you not show to me your beautiful face with its raised nose? I am eager to hear your melodious speech.

O my dear Puranjani, if anyone has offended you in any way he needs to be punished as long as he is not a Brahmin. None other than an ardent devotee of Srihari can ever offend you and yet dare to wander freely in the three planes.

Your face looks impure without the kumkum on the forehead. Your otherwise charming and attractive face now creates fear due to intense anger. In your face I can no longer see any feelings of affection towards me. Your beautiful breasts are wet with tears. Your lower lip, which shines like the red kumkum, has lost its luster.

I have never ever seen you in this mood. O dear, please become joyful. Desirous of hunting I left you and without even informing you independently went into the forests. I have sinned against you. I agree to my mistakes. But now the arrows of the God of love have hit me due to which I have lost my composure and am now under your sway. Every dutiful and beautiful wife will fulfill the needs of her husband at any given point of time.”

With this the twenty-sixth chapter comes to an end.

Fourth Canto Chapter Twenty-seven

In this chapter the following are covered: due to complete focus upon his wife and children, Puranjana forgetting about the Self and the story of Chandavega is explained. Maharishi Narada said to King Barhiśat, “In this way Puranjani with her different ways satisfied her husband’s needs and kept him totally under her sway. She enjoyed and she ensured that he too enjoyed.

Puranjani bathed and applied kumkum and other all auspicious ingredients. She wore ornaments and joyfully approached Puranjana. He welcomed her lovingly. Both of them enjoyed each other’s company in solitude. His mind was totally attracted towards her. To Puranjana she was the only goal in life. He lost track of time. His entire time he devoted towards her alone.

Time waits for no one. In his case too, time flew by speedily. No entity in the creation can cross time. Puranjana became arrogant. He took pride in his possessions. Keeping his head in her arms he lay down on the costly bed all the time. To him, Puranjani was the only purpose of life. She was whole and soul of his life.

The purpose of life is to realize God! But to this king who was drowned in ignorance the purpose was only his wife. He totally forgot about God. When Puranjana, who was filled with excessive sexual needs, was enjoying her company, youth flew by as if it were a mere second. 111 sons and 110 daughters were born to this couple. By then half his lifespan was exhausted. His daughters were known as Pouranjani. They were of noble character and were broad minded. They enhanced the reputation of their parents.

King Puranjana who was the king of Panchala kingdom, now got his sons married so that his lineage will continue. He also got his daughters married to suitable qualified grooms. Each of Puranjana’s sons was blessed with a hundred sons. All of them lived in Panchala kingdom and increased his lineage.

Puranajana was inseparably attached to his sons, grandsons, attendants, palace and all other material assets. As a result he was tightly bound to these worldly bondages caused due to sound and other senses perceptions. He was deeply struck in the mire and could not come out.

Puranjana who was of limitless desires performed innumerable Yagnas that were accompanied by animal sacrifices. Through this he pleased Devatas, fore-fathers, Bhairava and other demi-gods. O King Barhiśat, he performed innumerable Yagnas just like you. However his mind was totally enveloped by worldly matters. He was negligent towards spiritual pursuits undertaken to reach the Self. While he was thus absorbed in his material life, Puranjana suddenly became old.

O King Barhiśat, there is a Gandharva leader known as Chandavega. Under him there are 3060 powerful soldiers. There are also an equal number of female Gandharvas under him. There were pairs of white and black couples. All of them were brimming with comforts and enjoyments of every kind. All of them attacked Puranjana’s city and looted it completely.

As soon as Chandavega’s attendants began to loot the city, a five-hooded snake known as Prajāgara began to defend the city. This five-headed snake is the Lord for Puranjana’s city. He is very powerful. Single-handedly and effortlessly he fought 720 enthusiastic Gandharvas, without a moment’s break for 100 years. Gradually he began to lose his strength. Puranjana realized this and was saddened. Until that moment Puranjana was totally dedicated to his wife and happily accepting the tributes being given by his citizens. He was totally engrossed his worldly pleasures. He had totally forgotten the ways in which he could defend his kingdom”.

Nārāyanāya namah

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