Shatashloki 99: During Rama's rule, no son pre-deceased his father. No woman ever became a widow. Every woman was a pativrata (chaste).

Na putra maranam kinchit drakshyanti purusaah kvachit
Naaryashcaavidhavaa nityam bhavishyanti pativrataah

Meaning of the hymn- During Rama's rule, no son pre-deceased his father. No
woman ever became a widow. Every woman was a pativrata (chaste).

Witnessing or even hearing about Rama‟s coronation (pattabhisheka) is very auspicious and special. Maharishi Valmiki composed this entire story of Ramayana. This is the adi kavya (first poetic composition). The great sage took the 24 alphabets (Akshara) of the sacred Gayatri mantra and composed 1000 shlokas for each

The Rishis have classified each Veda into two divisions. The first part (poorva) is known as Samhita and the latter part (uttara bhaga) is known as Braahmana. The Upanishads are also a part of Veda. The Samhitas preach the path of action (karma marga) while the Upanishads preach the path of knowledge (jnana marga). Details that pertain to the three stages (ashramas) of life i.e. Brahmacharya, Grihasta and Vanaprastha are detailed in the path of action (karma marga). Jnana marga preaches those topics that pertain to detachment (vairagya).

Ramayana also goes by the name Ramayana Samhita. This is because it teaches the various paths of action (karma) that pertain to devotion (bhakti) and worship (upasana). Both Sri Rama and Seeta possessed extra-ordinary and supernatural qualities. Due to this, they remained worshipful for everyone. Through her character, behaviour and traits Seeta remained as an ideal for all women in this world. For this reason, Ramayana is also known as Seetayaa Charitam (story of Seeta).

The demon Ravana believed that subduing dharma was his priority in life. Treading the path of adharma, he tortured saints, woman and the downtrodden. As this epic pertains to the destruction of this demon Ravana, it takes the name Poulastya vadha. (Ravana was the grandson of Maharishi Pulastya). When the twins Kusha- Lava were rendering the story of Ramayana in the form of a song, all the citizens of Ayodhya came out to listen to it. Rama sat on the floor, amidst the crowd and heard this composition.

Valmiki Maharishi is a trikaala jnani (one who knows the past, present and future). This Ramayana was composed even while Rama was ruling. Maharishi Valmiki informed Kusha- Lava about the events that would take place in future. Through the song, the boys informed about the future events also.

Due to constant recollection of the traits possessed by Sri Rama and by singing His glory at all times, the citizens of Ayodhya were eternally in a state of bliss (Ananda).

Their life was untouched by sorrows. Neither the young & old, nor the birds & animals ever had to face a sorrowful experience. There were no troubles of any kind during his rule. The faces of the citizens reflected this joy and bliss. There was no confusion or commotion in their life. Their hearts were absolutely pure and their mind was solely focused on Rama. Due to this, the question of a son predeceasing his father did not arise. In other words, no father ever grieved for his son. Women always obeyed their husband. They behaved in a manner that was joyful to their husbands. Husband was considered a form of divinity and worshipped. The women were chaste (pativrata). Therefore no woman was widowed.

Such was the greatness of Rama rajya (Rama‟s rule).

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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