Shatashloki 98: Rama being crowned the King of Ayodhya brought limitless bliss to the entire world

Pravrshto mudito lokah tushtah pushta ssudhaarmikah
Niraamayohya rogasca durbhiksha bhayavarjitah.

Meaning of the hymn- Rama being crowned the King of Ayodhya brought limitless
bliss to the entire world. All the citizens were elated that their desire of seeing Rama
being crowned as their king was duly accomplished. In His rule, the citizens duly
abided by all their dharmas. Poverty, ill health, fears etc. were all driven away during
his rule.

Bharata met Sugriva and said, “O King of Vanaras! Kindly organize for the waters
from all the 4 oceans to be brought here quickly. We need to offer abhishekam to
Rama with those waters. He needs to be crowned the King.”
Immediately, Sugriva called 4 valiant Vanaras and dispatched them in 4 different
directions with specific instructions that they should return with the water before

Jambhavanta, Hanuman and Rishabha fetched the water from 500 rivers across the
globe in pots (huge water jars). Sushena brought the water of the eastern ocean in a
kalasa (sacred pot/ jar). Rishabha brought the water from the southern ocean.
Gavaya brought the water from the western ocean while Nala went to the North sea
and fetched the water from there in a golden jar.

Shatrughna then approached the great sages updated them that the water for the
coronation ceremony was ready. Maharishi Vashistha accompanied by other great
Brahmins went to Rama and asked Rama and Seeta to sit on a seat made of precious
stones. Eight supreme Maharishis i.e. Vashishta, Vamadeva, Jaabaali, Kashyapa,
Katyayana, Suyajna, Goutama and Vijaya poured the scented auspicious water and
offered abhishekam to Rama. Thereafter, Brahmins, young maidens, ministers,
traders, warriors and other leaders poured water and offered Abhishekam to Rama.
Water from all the medicinal herbs was poured upon him as abhishekam. All the
deities and celestials gathered in the sky to witness this coronation ceremony.
Vanara King Sugriva and Demon King Vibhishana stood on either side of Rama and
fanned him with white fans (Vinchamara).

Based on the orders of Indra, the wind God approached Rama and offered a pearl
chain that had in it all the precious stones and gems. The celestial musicians,
Devatas and gandharvas (celestial beings) sang while the apsaras (celestial dancers)

Exactly at the time of Rama‟s coronation, the earth was blessed with a good harvest
and the all the trees were laden with fruits. Fragrant flowers bloomed spreading their
fragrance in all directions.

Rama donated to the Brahmins one lakh healthy, milk-yielding cows and 100 bulls.
Thereafter he gave away 30 crores of gold coins, costly attires and jewellery to the
Brahmins. He gave away to Sugriva a golden (kanchana) chain studded with gems.
To Angada he joyfully gave an armlet studded with precious stones. To Seeta he
gave an exquisite pearl necklace and asked her to gift it away to whomsoever she
wants. Seeta gifted it to Hanuman who wore it and shone with it. Rama thereafter
suitably honoured all the Vanaras.

Sugriva and Vibhishana followed by their respective troops, returned to their
capitals. Rama began to rule Ayodhya. Bharata was appointed as the crown prince.
All the citizens abided by their dharma during his rule. At every moment they
thought of Him. With constant repetition of his divine name „Rama‟ they rendered
this entire world auspicious. This brought about untold bliss to all the living and nonliving
things in this universe.

With this the Yuddha Kanda comes to an end. Every event within this, be it the war,
the boarding of the aircraft or the narration of the entire story to Sage Bharadwaja,
the coronation ceremony has a very deep embedded meaning. Rama was also
fulfilling certain promises that he had made in the ancient past.

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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