Shatashloki 96: Sri Rama accompanied by Sugriva and Vibhishana arrived in Nandigrama.

Punaraakhyaayikaam jalpan sugrivasahitashca sah
Puspakam tatsamaaruhya nandigramam yayautadaa

Meaning of the hymn- Sri Rama accompanied by Sugriva and Vibhishana arrived in Nandigrama.

After sending Hanuman, Rama recounts all the events that took place during the 14- year exile period in the reverse order beginning with the killing of Ravana. Rama said, “The city of Lanka is located on top of the Mountain Trikoota. At this place a terrible war ensued between Ravana and me. In this war I killed both Ravana and Kumbhakarna. Indrajit met his end at the hands of Lakshmana. Mandodari together with 1000 co-wives arrived at the battle field and mourned the death of Ravana.

Angada killed Vikata while Sushena killed Vidyunmali. Many valiant demons such as Virupaksha, Akampana, Mahaaparshvaa, Mahodara and many others met their end in the battle. We camped for one night along with the army comprising of Vanaras and bears in Lanka, prior to the war. We constructed a bridge and crossed over to Lanka.
Nala played the most significant role in the construction of the bridge. No one can replicate such a construction.

Sethubandha is a sacred & holy place. Whoever bathes in the sacred waters here is completely washed off all his sins. The beings from all the three planes take this water as teertha. Lord Shiva who resides here, casts a compassionate glance upon the beings of all the three planes. It was in this place that Vibhishana approached me
and sought refuge.

The mighty turbulent and ferocious ocean cannot be crossed. It appeared to be roaring ferociously. Only Hanuman could fly cross this otherwise impassible ocean. While Hanuman was flying across the ocean, Mountain Mainaka, whose residence is within the ocean, appeared before Hanuman.

In Kishkinda, Vali was killed. Near the Pampa sarovar, I was overtaken by grief. Unable to control myself, I lamented a lot. I met Shabari, the great tapasvin. A little distance from there the gigantic demon Kabandha was killed. At Panchavati the
Demon Ravana killed Jatayu. At Janasthana, mighty demons Khara, Dooshana and Trishiras were killed by me.

In Panchavati, we resided near the flower garden. It was at this place that Demon Ravana abducted Seeta. The beautiful, wide and pure Godavari River flows there. Maharishi Agastya has his hermitage close to this place. Close to it is the ashram of Maharishi Suteekshana. Near that is the ashram of Maharishi Sharabhanga. Lord Indra visited Sharabhanga a little while before. Just before this, the Demon Viradha was killed. The hermitage of revered Sage Atri, who glows with the illumination of the Sun and Fire, is very near to this place. Hermitages of many great saints are in that vicinity. A short distance from here is the Mountain Chitrakoota. It was at this place that Bharata met us.

A little distance from Chitrakoot is the place where River Yamuna flows. Near this place is the hermitage of Maharishi Bharadwaja. Near here River Ganga flows. Sringiberapuram, the land of the Nishadas is by the banks of this river. It was at this place that I met the King of Nishadas, Guha. Just a short distance from this place flows the River Sarayu. The city of Ayodhya is situated on the banks of this great river”.

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