Shatashloki 95: Rama, who eternally and firmly abided by truth and who was dear to the entire world, now arrived at the hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja

Episode 95
Bharadwaajashramam gatvaa raamassatyaparakramah
Bharatasyantikam raamo hanumantam vyasarjayat
Meaning of the hymn- Rama, who eternally and firmly abided by truth and who was
dear to the entire world, now arrived at the hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja. He sent
Hanuman as a missionary to Bharata.
Pushpaka, the aircraft was zooming with great speed towards Ayodhya. Seated in
the plane, Rama was observing all the places as they crossed by. He pointed out to
Seeta the Rivers Ganga and Sarayu. Thereafter he spotted Ayodhya and asked her to
offer her obeisance to it. All those who were seated in the aircraft, looked towards
Ayodhya and offered their salutations to this land.
That day was panchami (fifth day as per lunar calendar). With this day, the 14 year
period of exile had come to an end.
The aircraft stopped at the hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja. All of them got off the
aircraft and went in to offer their respects to that great sage. Rama enquired, “O
great sage, how is Ayodhya? How are the citizens faring? Is my brother ruling
wisely? How are my mothers?” Rama enquired about the wellbeing of each and every
Bharadwaja replied, “O Rama, everyone is fine in Ayodhya. Bharata has placed your
sandals on the throne and is ruling wisely. Like you, he has given up all comforts. He
wears bark clothes and matted hair just like you. He sleeps on the bare floor. Years
ago, when the three of you went barefooted walking across the forests, I was
saddened. Today, Rama you have vanquished the demons, completed all the tasks
and have arrived with all your friends and relatives to see me. I am very blissful.
Rama, I am aware of all the joys and sorrows that you have faced during these 14
years. I also know that deliberately, after listening to the pleas of the sages, you
went from Janasthana, eliminating all the demons on the path. I know about the
demons you killed in Dandakaranya. I know all about the building of the bridge,
killing of Ravana and bringing back Seeta.
Rama, I feel like blessing you with a boon. Choose whatever you want”.
Rama replied, “O great sage! I am proceeding towards Ayodhya. I seek that all the
trees on the path should be abundant in fruits”.
The very next instant, Sage Bharadwaja converted all the trees into fruit bearing
trees replete with fruit. Using his power of penance, Bharadwaja ensured that the
entire huge forest was replete with fruits. After all, this is the main food enjoyed by
the Vanaras. The Vanaras joyfully plucked and ate fruits to their hearts content. They
drank the honey in full merriment. This was the feast for all the Vanaras. In this way,
Bharadwaja could offer a grand feast to all the monkeys and bears of Sugriva‟s
army. They don‟t need to sit and eat, do they? Each Vanara jumped on a tree of his
choice and enjoyed his feast.
Rama then said to Hanuman, “Go to Shringiberapuram. Meet Guha and inform him of
my well being. From there proceed to Ayodhya. Meet Bharata and inform him of my
well being and that I have abided by my vow completely.
Gradually narrate to him all the events that took place in my life during this period of
14 years. Tell him that demon Ravana had kidnapped Seeta and that I have killed
that Ravana. Let him know that I am presently camping in Sage Bharadwaja‟s
ashram along with Seeta and Lakshmana. Let him know that the Vanara King
Sugriva and Demon King Vibhishana have accompanied me.
While informing him of all these events, please carefully study his deeper mental
feelings. If he is keen to continue ruling, then so be it. I will be very happy with the
outcome. In case he is not desirous of continuing as a king, then without a minute‟s
delay return quickly back to me”.
As soon as Rama assigned him the task, Hanuman flew up in the skies and
proceeded towards Ayodhya. He was flying at very high speeds. He was eager to find
out what Bharata‟s mental inclination would be and thereby complete the task
Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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