Shatashloki 94: Rama brought all the Vanaras, who had given up their lives, back to life

Devataabhyo varam praapya samutthaapyaca vaanaraan
Ayodhyaam prasthito raamah puspakena suhrdvrtah

Meaning of the hymn- Rama received boons from the Gods. He sought that all the Vanaras who had given up their life in the battle should be brought back to life. Once this was accomplished, Rama, together with all his friends boarded the aircraft, Pushpaka vimana, and left for Ayodhya.

Lord Shiva addressed Rama and said, “Rama, none apart from you could have killed Ravana. It is our great luck that you have completed this mission. Now please return to Ayodhya. Bharata is anxiously awaiting your arrival. Go and cheer up your mothers who are grieving. Be a support to all your friends and relatives who are eager to see you. Perform the Ashwamedha Yaaga and through this, worship the Devatas. Beget good sons who will continue the lineage. Donate large-heartedly to the Brahmins. Acquire fame. Rule for a very long time and thereafter attain heaven.
Look here, your father Dasharatha is seated in this special vimana (aircraft). Along with Lakshmana, please offer your respectful obeisance to him”.

Rama and Lakshmana offered their obeisance to Dasharatha. Dasharatha was overjoyed and warmly embraced his son Rama. He said, “Rama, the words of Kaikeyi still ring in my ears. Seeing both of you happy, I am greatly relieved. My sorrows have been completely washed away just by seeing you today. Rama, you have successfully lived up to your vow. You have also killed the mighty demon Ravana. Through your actions, you have pleased all the deities. You have acquired limitless fame. Now please return to Ayodhya and rule wisely. Live for a very long time

Thereafter Dasharatha spoke to Lakshmana and appreciated him for all the services that he had been offering with utmost devotion to his brother. Dasharatha then addressed Seeta and said, “My daughter Seeta, please do not bear any anger and vengeance against Rama who wanted to disown you. He was seeking your welfare through this deed. He wanted the world to realize the depth of your purity. Only through this action (entering the fire) it could be brought out completely. Seeta, your husband is your God”.

As he was saying this, Dasharatha returned to Indra loka (heaven). Rama was standing there, amidst everyone, with his palms folded in obeisance. Lord Indra now said, “Rama, it is with the intention of bestowing boons upon you that we have assembled here. Please choose your boon. We shall happily give whatever you seek”.

Rama politely said, “O Lord, many in this army who had stood by me and who had placed implicit faith in me have lost their life in the war. Among the dead are many brave bears and monkeys. All of them have sacrificed their life to help me in my mission. O Lord, please bring back to life all the Vanaras and bears who have died in the battle. Secondly, all those Vanaras who have been injured in war and are suffering in pain, should be relieved of all the pain and misery. O Lord, please ensure that the places inhabited by Vanaras always abound in fruits and water. This is all that I seek”.

Indra was overjoyed and said, “Rama I will fulfill all your desires”.

Barely had Indra completed his sentence, than the dead Vanaras and bears sat up as if they were waking up from sleep. The wounds disappeared from the bodies of the injured Vanaras. The Vanaras marveled at this miracle and offered their respectful obeisance to Rama.

Indra said, “Rama, now please send off all these Vanaras to their respective homes. Together with Seeta you proceed to Ayodhya. Go and appear before your brothers who have been adhering to strict austerities in your absence. Bring joy to your mothers. Go and get yourself coronated as the King of Ayodhya. Rule well”.

Rama, Lakshmana and Seeta offered their salutations to all the deities, who then boarded their respective aircrafts and returned to heaven. The army of bears and monkeys rejoiced in merriment.

Rama boarded the Pushpaka aircraft and seated Seeta on his lap. Lakshmana, Sugriva, Vibhishana and his ministers, and other prominent Vanara leaders all boarded the aircraft. Pushpaka, the aircraft, began its journey towards Ayodhya. As per Seeta‟s desire, the aircraft halted midway at Kishkinda. The wives of the prominent Vanara chiefs boarded the aircraft and then it resumed its journey.

As the aircraft was moving, Rama was identifying all the various places at which they had resided, the various demons that had been killed, the place where Ravana had kidnapped Seeta and was explaining the specialities of these places.
Pushpaka Vimana was speedily taking them towards their destination.

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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