Shatashloki 92: All the beings in all the worlds were very joyous that Rama, the great Mahatma had killed Ravana

Karmanaa tena mahataa trailokyam sa caraacaram
Sa devarsi ganam tustam raaghavasya mahaatmanah

Meaning of the hymn- All the living beings in all the three planes (worlds) that
consisted of living and non-living things, the Gods and the celestials were very
joyous that Rama, the great Mahatma had killed Ravana, the terrible demon.

The foremost and fundamental aim behind this incarnation as Rama was punishing of
the wicked (dushta sikshana), protecting the deserving (sishta rakshana) and
establishing dharma (righteousness)!

The atrocities and the wicked deeds of demons such as Ravana were causing a great
impediment to acquisition of devotion, knowledge and detachment (bhakti, Jnana,
vairagya). Family set-ups were totally shattered. Adherence to good conduct
(sadaachara), morals, disciplines (neeti, niyama) and dharma (righteousness) could
not be found among people. This failure in adhering to the traditions of their
respective varnas (castes) and ashramas, eroded from all the people the feelings of
love, care and consideration towards parents, siblings, relatives and the aged.

Ravana, who had procured mighty boons from Brahma, brought about this calamity
on the beings living in all the three worlds. This change in the society could be
attributed to the evil and negative vibrations emitted by Ravana.

One should know the art of speaking based on the situation and prevailing condition
at any given point of time. This is a social responsibility. Every being has to strive for
the welfare of all the members of his family. He should consider this as his
mandatory duty. Towards this he should sacrifice his personal comforts and be ready
to face any type of setbacks and difficulties with patience. This is the moral
responsibility (naitka bhadyata). In addition to patience, he should also diligently
follow other supreme dharmas such as truth (satya), justice (nyayamu), good
conduct (sadachara), abidance with a given promise/vow (pratijna). This is his
dharmic responsibility (towards dharmic matters).

Rama taught the society all these responsibilities in entirety through His way of life.
He showed it through His speech, His actions, His behavior and through His every
step in life. He remained as an incarnation of religious austerities (tapo murti).

Taitareeya Upanishad teaches about tapas through the mantra- Rtam tapaha,
Satyam tapaha Shrutam tapaha, shantam tapaha. Abiding by truth, studying the
Vedas (veda adhyana), being calm and peaceful at all times (shanti), controlling the
internal and external sense organs (antar and bahir indriya), engaging in charitable
activities, stringently abiding by dharma, conducting of yagnas and other such pure
auspicious deeds themselves are tapas.

By stringently and steadfastly adhering to all these, Rama could acquire the great
wealth of penance (tapo dhana). He proved that through such practices, one can
acquire the wealth of penance and through this achieve blessedness in life. He
showed that one can go through all the harsh difficulties of life and yet emerge

Lustful desires and arrogance/ haughtiness about his own strengths and capacities
led to the downfall of the demon Ravana. Due to this, he lost his tapo dhana (wealth
of penance) in entirety. He tortured and caused pain to all the birds, animals, trees,
mountains, water, air, in fact to all the 5 elements, the revered saints, Maharishis,
Muni, Devatas and others. Rama on the other hand, respected and revered each and
every living being. By walking through the forests, he caused great joy to all the
birds, trees etc. He brought about immense happiness to Mother Nature.

By killing this horrific demon Ravana, He became the cause of the bliss for the entire
creation. For this reason, the inhabitants of the three planes which consisted of living
and non-living things, celebrated this victory of Rama. Munis, rishis and all the
celestials were immensely delighted. Such was the greatness of Rama! Rama
established the dharma which every succeeding generation could follow.

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha

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