Shatashloki 90: Sita entered into the fire

Taa muvaaca tato raamah parusham janasamshadi
Amrshyamaanaa saa seeta vivesha jvalanam sati

Meaning of the hymn- Due to the aforementioned reasons, Rama, in the presence of the entire Vanara army, spoke very unkindly to Seeta. Seeta, who was a true pativrata (chaste woman), could not bear these insulting words and entered into the fire.

Rama, addressed Vibhishana, who was nearby and said, “Ask Seeta to bathe, deck herself in ornaments and jewels and appear before me without any delay”. Vibhishana sent this message to Seeta through the women of his palace. As ordered by her husband, Seeta got ready and eager to set her eyes on Rama, boarded the palanquin. Vibhishana quickly went to Rama and gave him the news, “Rama, Seeta has arrived”.

Rama was very delighted and replied, “Ask her to come quickly in my presence”. The monkeys and bears thronged all around, to catch a glimpse of the Divine Mother, while the demons who were bringing her, were using all their weapons to drive them away.

Rama felt a surge of kindness upon seeing the desperation of the monkeys. He said to Vibhishana, “These are my own people. A woman becoming visible to the public at times of marriage, in times of joys and sorrows is not a sin. Let her approach me in the presence of all the Vanaras”.

These words of Rama brought great anguish to Lakshmana, Sugriva, Hanuman and Vibhishana. Seeta got down from the palanquin and shielding her face with her saree, slowly walked towards her husband. The grief on her face was replaced with delight and joy as soon as her eyes fell upon her husband.

Rama, in a firm voice said to her, “Seeta devi! That you were kidnapped by a demon was a matter of destiny. Using my capabilities, I have rescued you from his clutches. I have done all that was humanly possible in this matter. Hanuman burnt down the city of Lanka and helped me in this mission. Sugriva, using his might and giving his whole hearted support, stood by me in the war. Vibhishana deserted his brother and joining my side, supported me. All their efforts have borne fruit today. Please understand that my friends and myself have waged this war, not with an intention of saving you, but with the intention that sadachara (good conduct) should prevail. I have also waged this war so that no stigma should attach to my illustrious lineage. I have waged this war to wipe away the insult that was thrown upon me.

I am now suspicious of your character. Hence I cannot accept you back. Seeta, I am permitting you. You can go in any direction you seek. You are free. Your honour has been reinstated”.

Hearing these unexpected words from Rama, Seeta shivered. She sobbed bitterly. She then replied, “O Lord, It was my fate that Ravana touched my body, when taking me away in the chariot. Yet, mentally I was with you every second. Why do you speak like this to me? I do not know anything except following your footsteps. Had you abandoned me at the time when Hanuman arrived in Lanka, I would have given up my life then and there. Why did you not do so at that time? You need not have waged this war unnecessarily. You could also have avoided today‟s grief. Why did you not do so? In front of this grief, in front of this fire of accusations, the real fire is milder. Lakshmana, create a fire. I shall step into it right away. In front of so many beings, my husband has deserted me.”

Lakshmana looked towards Rama. From his facial expressions, gauging his intentions, Lakshmana prepared a pyre. With her head bent down, Seeta circumambulated her husband and walked towards the greatly burning fire. She offered her prayers to the Fire God and said, “If my thoughts have eternally been on Rama, if I have not been unfaithful, then let the fire protect me. If there has been no fault in my behaviour and if I am truly sinless, then, O holy fire, please protect me. If the Sun, the wind, the earth, the 10 directions, the days, the nights and the twilights, know me to be a chaste (pativrata) woman, then O fire, please protect me”.

Saying this, Seeta circumambulated around the holy fire and then entered it. These words spoken by Seeta to the Fire God, this entire conversation contains unimaginable Vedanta secrets! Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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