Shatashloki 87: Along with Sugriva, Rama reached the shores of the ocean.

Tata ssugreevasahito gatva teeram mahodadheh
Samudram ksobhayaamaasa sharai raadityasannibhaih

Meaning of the hymn- Along with Sugriva, Rama reached the shores of the ocean. When the ocean refused to obey him, Rama was intensely angered. He took out powerful arrows from his quiver and hit the ocean. Seeing this, the mighty ocean trembled.

Rama was overjoyed upon learning of the accomplishments of Hanuman. He openly praised Hanuman in the presence of all the Vanaras. He was touched that Hanuman had completed all the tasks assigned perfectly. Rama mentioned that Hanuman had saved the Ikshvaaku lineage by finding out the whereabouts of Seeta. He also said
that he felt helpless at his inability to reward adequately Hanuman for all that Hanuman had done for Him and this saddened him a lot. Rama embraced Hanuman. Again and again Rama enquired from Hanuman all the details about Lanka. Hanuman then elaborated in detail all the information that he had assessed about the enemy and their secrets.

After ascertaining all the information, Rama got ready for the war. The entire army of Vanaras and bears followed their King Sugriva. They marched through all the terrains. The Vanara army was unfathomably huge. Even mountains appeared buried under this large vast army.

To this mighty army, which itself appeared like an endless ocean, the real ocean appeared like an obstacle. It was an impregnable bottleneck. The ocean was splashing its huge waves and it appeared to be laughing and jeering at them. The army was now dejected. They pondered about the various ways in which they
could cross it over. However, none of the ideas was practical. This ocean was such that they could not swim, not everyone could fly across it like Hanuman did, they could not sail using boats, nor could they build a bridge over it. How then were they to cross over to Lanka? Unable to find a solution, everyone was crestfallen. Everyone including Rama grieved. Lakshmana was consoling Rama.

Exactly at this time, in Lanka, Ravana called for a meeting of all his ministers. He expressed his view that Rama could easily cross over the ocean along with his army and attack Lanka. He wanted to know their suggestions in this matter. Ravana was now worried and scared.

His foolish ministers however spoke of their great strength and might and boosted the confidence of their king. They assured him of an easy victory in the war. Vibhishana, the younger brother of Ravana, differed from them all. He clearly voiced his opinion that Rama would bring about the destruction of the entire demon race
and that the only way to escape from destruction was to hand over Seeta to her husband Rama. He said that this was the rightful way out. With this, Lanka and all its citizens would be saved, he said.

While Vibhishana was thus giving him words of advice, Ravana began to jeer at him. He criticized Vibhishana and refused to hear his words of wisdom. Vibhishana then flew up in the air and said to his brother, “My dear brother, seeking your welfare I spoke wise and just words. Nevertheless you do not seek to listen to them. Hence I
am going away”.

Vibhishana approached Rama and sought refuge. Rama welcomed him and that very moment got Lakshmana to crown him as the King of Lanka. Based on the advice given by Vibhishana, Sugriva and other prominent Vanaras approached Rama and said, “O Lord, please pray to the Ocean”.

Around this time, Ravana sent his spy Shuka to gather all the information from Rama‟s camp. However Shuka got caught and when the Vanaras were mercilessly harassing him, he prayed to Rama. Due to Rama‟s grace, he could save his life and return back to Lanka.

Rama prayed to the ocean. He spread grass (darbha) on the shore and lay down on it. Three days and three nights passed by. Yet the ocean did not seem to budge. It retained its careless attitude. With this Rama was deeply angered. His eyes turned red and fierce. He said to Lakshmana, “this ocean thinks that I am incapable and
weak. Such is his arrogance. Forbearance and kindness are not the qualities that one should display in front of such arrogance. Lakshmana, now you see my might. With my arrows I am going to dry up this entire ocean. It is my mistake to be patient.”

Saying this Rama drew out powerful arrows from his quiver, and released them. Those supreme arrows, that were like a blazing fire, moved at great speed and cut through the ocean causing unimaginable turbulence and destruction. Thousands of large waves, as high as mountains, began jumping up and down carrying with them
multitudes of sharks, crocodiles and other sea animals. All the animals living in the ocean were terrified. Not stopping at this, his arrows dashed to Patala (hell) at unbelievable speed and killed the demons there. The ocean god was humbled. The ocean retraced and went back for a distance of one yojana.

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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