Shatashloki 107: The Brahmin who recites this Ramayana will become a great scholar. A Kshatriya who reads it will become a great emperor of this earth... and so on..

Pathan dvijo vagrasabhatvameeyaat syat kshatriyo bhoomipatitvameeyaat
Vanigjanah panyaphalatvamiyaat janasca shudropi mahatvameeyaat

Meaning of this hymn- The Brahmin who recites this Ramayana will become a great
scholar. A Kshatriya who reads it will become a great emperor of this earth. If a
Vysya (trader) reads it, he will reap great profits in his business. If a Shudra reads it,
he will become a great personality.

A Brahmin who regularly reads Ramayana will acquire the ability to discriminate
between ignorance (avidya) and knowledge (Vidya). He will understand the reality
about the Self. He will acquire the knowledge about the Self (atma jnana).
When a person who is not self-realized get stuck in difficulties due to his actions, he
is in a total quandary. The losses and problems of life throw him into utter darkness.
A grave danger lies even in totally abstaining from karma (actions) and involving
purely in upasana. Rama‟s behaviour guards us against all such pitfalls. Both
adherence to karmas (karma acharana) and knowledge of the Self (atma jnana) both
are extremely essential for Brahmins. By diligently abiding by both of them, the forefathers
(Pitr Devatas) will be immensely pleased. Therefore by reading Ramayana,
Brahmins will see a spurt in their discriminatory capacities and intellect. They will
become eminent scholars. They will acquire the ability to achieve expertise in the 18
forms of knowledge.

A Kshatriya who reads Ramayana will be able to learn the proper way of governing
the kingdom. He will learn how to protect his kingdom. From Rama he will learn how
to adhere to dharma and how to get his citizens to abide by dharma. He will learn
the way to behave and show respect to other vassal subordinate kings, his relatives,
friends and others. Imbibing these traits will enable him to become the king of the
entire world itself. This is the fruit/ result that Ramayana will bestow upon a

A trader who reads this will be able to diversify his business and reap profits. A
shudra who reads this will acquire fame. He will become a great man.

God has bestowed us with this human birth, which is the most supreme birth. The
ability to perform karmas has been given exclusively to humans. The birds, animals
and insects do not have this ability. The Gods do not have a body (ashareera) and
hence cannot perform karma. Even the beings of all other planes do not have the
facility of performing karmas. From this we now clearly understand that only human
beings have been given this rare chance. Utilizing this rare blessing, we should
ensure that our life becomes meaningful.

Ramayana dispels the worries and tensions of the person. It frees the person from
the arrogance that knowledge (Vidya mada), wealth (dhana mada) and power
(adhikara mada) can cause. A human being will be transformed into a sage. He
becomes eligible for attaining liberation. It enables the person to live in the society
and perform karmas without getting attached to the society. He learns to remain
sinless. In other words, a person learns to behave like a lotus leaf, which even when
living in water does not allow the water to touch it.

Punyam paapaharam sadaa shivakaram vijnana bhaktipradam
Maya moha malaapaham suvimalam premaambu pooram shubham
Srimadraamacaritra maanasa midam bhaktyaava gaahyantiye
Te samsara patanga ghora kiranaih dahyanti no maanavaah.

Meaning- Those who recite Ramayana with full devotion will acquire punya (merit).
All their sins will be washed out. It bestows all auspiciousness upon the person. It
showers knowledge and devotion. It washes away the impurities such as illusion,
attachments, infatuation and bondages (maya-moha) in totality. It is a very pure
scripture. Like the rays of the sun that dispel darkness, Ramayana frees the person
from the shackles of this samsara.

May this world be rendered peaceful! Due to the grace of Lord Rama, may the world
shine with righteousness (dharma)! May truth emerge victorious! May dharma
emerge victorious!

Om Shanti, shanti, shanti!
Ityashri Srimad Ramayane adikaavye sankshepo naama prathama ssargah

Iti srimad balaramayanam samaaptam.

Jaya Guru Datta

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