Shatashloki 104: After ruling and ensuring the welfare of all the citizens for 11000 years, Rama reached His real abode, Brahmaloka.

Dashavarsha sahasraani dashavarsha shataani ca
Raamo raajya mupaasitvaa brahmalokam prayaasyati

Meaning of the hymn- After ruling and ensuring the welfare of all the citizens for
11000 years, Rama reached His real abode, Brahmaloka.
Rama was the ideal and perfect man (maryada purushottama, who demonstrated
ideal behavior and conduct). He severely punished those who tried to break the

During his period of exile when he was walking about in the forests, he scrutinized
and learnt the type of plants and trees that grew in different places. He figured out
the locations suitable for the growth of the various different medicinal plants and
herbs. He also learnt about the pattern and movements of the cruel wild animals. He
studied the entire land patterns, the weather conditions of the various places. He
was totally familiar with the conditions that existed in different mountains, plains,
coasts etc. He was familiar with the locations of the various rivers and of the birds
and animals that inhabited the various places. He also learnt about the different
customs, traditions, practices, mental perceptions and way of life of all the people in
the different places that he had covered.

With all this knowledge, he could gauge in advance the requirements of the people of
the different regions based on the approaching season. He would make the adequate
requirements well in advance, so that people were not unduly troubled.
Immensely pleased with his adherence to dharma, Mother Nature (prakriti) cooperated
very well. It began to abide strictly by its dharma. Sri Rama became the
irrefutable Lord of this entire earth. We had learnt in the Ayodhya Kanda that he was
not subjected to the limitations of time (kaala). Due to this, the entire earth grieved
at the time when He was sent in exile to the forests. Addressing Rama‟s mother
Koushalya, her co-wife Sumitra declared, “It is Rama who gives the Sun its
illumination. He possesses the capacity to burn fire itself! He is the Lord of all Lords!”

Rama possesses the capacity of creation. At Panchavati, when He realized that Seeta
had been abducted, He became uncontrollably enraged. In that state of intense
anger, he declared that he would burn away the entire earth itself, if His Seeta were
not to be found. At that point of time, Lakshmana had to console and calm him
down. Building the bridge across the ocean, the killing of the mighty Ravana and the
episode where the Gods sought to bestow boons upon Rama, all are instances that
reflect His extreme power and supremacy. His prowess caused all the inhabitants of
earth to tremble. These instances proved that Rama was a human incarnation of that
Supreme Sri Hari.

At the time of granting refuge to Vibhishana, Rama declared that merely with his
intention (sankalpa) he could cause destruction of pishacha (ghosts), danava, yaksha
and rakshasas.

This supreme Lord, who was the Lord of all the billions of universes in this creation
(akhilanda koti Brahmanda nayaka), cast his compassionate glance upon every living
and non-living thing in this universe. The entire earth aspired to live under His
compassionate shade. For this reason, this Supreme Lord ruled for 11000 years and
showered his grace upon the entire earth. It is said in this hymn, that this Lord will
win over the hearts of all the beings and will remain fixed in their heart. After ruling
for this long period, He will reach his real abode.

Merely thinking of this Lord is enough to grant a place in Vaikuntha, His real abode.
Therefore all those who worshipped Him at that time reached Vaikuntha.

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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