Shatashloki 102: The Supreme King Rama conducted hundreds of Ashwamedha Yaagas, Suvarnata yaagas and many other supreme yaagas and through them pleased all the Gods

Ashwamedhasshatairishtvaa tathaa bahusuvarnakaih
Gavaam kotyayutam dattvaa brahmalokam prayaasyati
Asankheyam dhanandattvaa brahmanebhyo mahaayashaah

Meaning of the hymn- The Supreme King Rama conducted hundreds of Ashwamedha
Yaagas, Suvarnata yaagas (yaagas in which gold is given away) and many other
supreme yaagas and through them pleased all the Gods (Devatas). By giving away in
charity 10000 crores of cows and limitless wealth to the Brahmins, He earned a
permanent place in heaven.

This section that we are discussing is the Uttara Kanda of Ramayana. Ramayana was
composed during Rama‟s rule and in this section, the future actions that Rama would
be undertaking were being elaborated.

Gods can be pleased through the performance of yagna (sacrificial ritual). The Gods
accept as food, the havvissu (sacred offerings) put in the homa fire, accompanied by
the recitation of the relevant Veda mantras. Gods, who are thus pleased, render the
world prosperous and protect it at all times. They ensure timely and abundant

It is imperative to understand that people who despise Yagnas are thrown into hell
(naraka). The deities are the Lords of every being. Their happiness renders the world
prosperous. The boons granted by them are always supreme. Contented with the
sacrifice (yagna) conducted, they cause the prosperity of not only the yajamani (one
who has performed the yagna) but also of the entire world. For this reason, all those
who possess the ability and competence to conduct yagnas, should unfailingly carry
them out. They should strive to please the Gods. Such persons always reach heaven.
The person who diligently performs yagnas glows with the divine infinite radiance of
Mitra and Varuna. Those who please the Gods through the performance of these
yagnas and offering of the sacred havissu (offerings) obtain limitless fame.

Plentiful rainfall (water) is the result of successful performance of yagna. The
offerings in the sacred fire reach Aditya, the Sun God. It is He who ensures proper
rainfall (water cycle). Crops are dependent on rainfall. Not just the survival of the
beings, but the fulfillment of all needs of every being is dependent on this harvest.
Thus all desires get fulfilled only when proper produce/ harvest is available. The
deities who are pleased, bless the person performing the yagna with good food,
prosperity, children and the like. They shield him from sins.

Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Garutmanta, Agni, Suparna, Yama and other deities are duly
worshipped through the medium of Yagna. Do not assume that they are different
Gods. All of them are the various manifestations of that Supreme Paramatma. In
other words, Paramatma is being worshipped through diverse names and forms.
Yagna binds a householder (gruhasta) and ensures that he abides by all the
disciplines (niyama-nishta). Lord Brahma created wealth in this world solely for the
purposes of yagna. He created the man (purusha) exclusively for conducting yagnas.
Therefore the responsibility of protecting and nurturing the yagna rests solely on

The person should offer to the Almighty, those items that he has received/ earned
due to the Supreme grace, and through this offer his gratitude to the Lord. He
acknowledges that all the materials for the yagna are bestowed upon him by that
Supreme Lord. Through this expression of gratitude, ego and pride are destroyed in
the person. He becomes large-hearted. He becomes eligible for securing the grace of
the Gods. He will evolve spiritually.

Being an extremely learned pundit, Sri Rama was aware of the significance and
greatness of these yagnas. Hence he performed 100 ashwamedha yaagas. He also
conducted many suvarnaka yaagas. Through all these Yagnas he worshipped the
deities and secured their grace. He abided by all the rules and disciplines of Yagnas
and magnanimously gave away gifts to the Brahmins. By giving away limitless
wealth to the Brahmins, he acquired the eligibility of a permanent place in heaven.
A truly sensible person (buddhivan) aims at securing the comforts of both this world
and the next (iha loka and para loka). Towards this, he will unfailingly involve
himself in yagna, charity (daana) and penance (tapas). Rama, through his actions,
taught this very important lesson to the world.

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha.

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