Shatashloki 100: During Rama's rule, fear of fire hazards, cyclones, fear of food shortage, hunger, fear of thieves and robbers, fear of fever or other diseases, fear of heat and cold waves did not exist.

Na chaagni bhayam kinchit naapsumajjanti jantavah
Na vaatajam bhayam kinchit naapi jvarakrtam tathaa
Na caapi kshudbhayam tatra na taskarabhayam tathaa

Meaning of the hymn- During Rama's rule, fear of fire hazards, cyclones, fear of food shortage, hunger, fear of thieves and robbers, fear of fever or other diseases, fear of heat and cold waves did not exist.

Every human should perform meritorious deeds and abide by dharma at all times and through this, merit (punya) should be accumulated. Indulging in bad deeds and supporting adharma only pave the way for a person‟s downfall.

As this earth is a karma bhoomi (land of actions), Sri Rama has categorically declared that it is imperative for every person to engage in the performance of only meritorious deeds. All karmas that have been dictated by the Vedas should be duly abided by. In addition, every person should strive for the welfare of the world and for his individual spiritual upliftment through penance (tapas) and yagna.

Sri Rama did not even slightly deviate from his prescribed daily obligatory duties (nitya karmas) irrespective of whether he was in the city (Ayodhya) or in the forests. Even as a boy when he had accompanied Maharishi Vishwamitra for safeguarding of the Maharishi‟s Yaaga (fire sacrifice), He diligently conducted his Sandhya vandana, agni upasana (fire worship) and other obligatory duties. Even on that one night that he spent in the hermitage of Sage Suteekshana, He did not miss his evening Sandhya prayers and rituals. He duly offered water oblations to the Gods and forefathers (Deva, pitr tarpana) as were prescribed.

Even before he was sent out into exile, he had conducted many great yagnas. After becoming the King of Ayodhya, he conducted many supreme yagnas. He assiduously and devotionally worshipped the Sun God every morning. He emphatically declared that steadfast adherence towards truth (satya) and dharma (righteousness) frees the
person from fears.

Sri Rama also very strictly abided by the periodic obligatory duties (naimittika karma) such as his father‟s shraadha (annual ritual performed for his deceased parents). Through conducting of the yagnas and yaagas, he completed all his
kaamya karmas.

Gruhasta ashrama (the phase of life as a householder) is the foundational basis for all the other stages. Rama, the supreme and ideal householder, diligently performed all good karmas (deeds) that are mandated for this stage. Married life (gruhasta ashrama) is said to be a chariot. Husband and wife are the two horses that together
drive it. Dharma is the charioteer who directs this chariot. Artha and kaama (material prosperity and fulfillment of desires) are the paths within this worldly life (samsara). Liberation (moksha) is the goal of life. Every householder should
understand this deeply. Thereby he should fulfill his needs of artha and kaama (material earnings and fulfillment of desires) through the dharmic path only. When this is executed properly, he will attain the comforts both in this world and the next (iha loka and para loka sukha).

By participation in meritorious deeds, the mind is rendered pure. It creates an increased inclination for further participation in good deeds. It washes away the impurities that exist within the mind. Bad traits, bad habits and bad lifestyle further push the person down the evil path. In Rama‟s kingdom, the person with evil habits and evil inclinations could not exist.

Every person willingly performed only good, meritorious deeds. Due to this, only auspiciousness rained upon the citizens. There was no question of anyone going to hell (naraka). As all the people were righteous and meritorious, they never had to fear fire hazards of any form. Burning of the forests due to unexplained forest-fires (davagni) was unheard of. Rising of the oceans due to the increased heat within it (badabagni) was unknown. No tusnamis or floods ever occurred. Rainfall was timely, abundant and evenly distributed. Extremities of weather and suffering due to heat
and cold waves were non-existent. Rivers were overflowing and there was no fear of them going dry. No person ever went hungry due to lack of food. The entire kingdom was eternally disease-free. Thoughts of stealing and robbery never entered any mind.

Every person was absolutely righteous (dharmic). So wonderful was His rule!

Om Seeta Ramabhyaam Namaha

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