Understanding Prayer: Spiritual Intelligence

Prayer does not change God: it changes you.

The first ever cordless phone was created by God. HE named it "prayer"... It never loses its signal and you never have to Recharge it. You sure can Use it Anywhere & Anytime.

Prayer is essentially our
communication with God. And of course you know every communication has its purpose: an active ingredient that determines the mode and effectiveness of the communication.

"Every moment of prayer is actually an investment in eternity and of course a true romance of righteousness.
Our prayers makes it consistent for God to do, through us or for us whatever he wanted to do which was inconsistent with his nature had we not prayed" Pst Chris Phd., DD

When we pray in reality we make tremendous power available and of course cause several changes in the affairs of our life and even does of others, straightening out things in the spirit-realm regarding our immediate or later future.

Its the earnest desire of God to have a deep communication with you in the place of prayer.

The amplified version of Ephesians 6:18 declares " With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people"

Prayer is not just a religious practice of asking God for things: it is a continual "intelligence" communication .
Instead of running here and there wondering what to say or do in a particular circumstance you should take some time and pray.

When you pray, you are actually connected to the spiritual intelligence such that you are aware of what is happening around; you are no longer in the dark of doubts, wondering what step to take.
Praying in other tongues for instance gives you more edge as it transcends the realm of the mind or human understanding, especially because the language is divine. All you need do (like i do all the time)is connect your vocal organs to your human spirit and the flow takes place. You will the amazed at how easy it is and the rich experience when you do. It always refreshes. For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. 1 Corinthians 14:14
However i must point out that its an act of faith- the same faith you expressed when you were (are) initiated into the blood line of Christ.

God has a lot in stock to share with you in the place of prayer and you can make dynamic available to create the change you desire as well: but how can you if you do not understand or know how to pray effectively. I look forward to sharing more on How to pray effectively in my subsequent post.


You have be given the dominion and authority to alter the course of event in the earth. It is actually in your place to see to it that circumstances in your life and all those in and out of your sphere of contact conforms to the divine plan. You can achieve this and more in the place of prayer.

"Prayer is not a self-validating exercise; in a world where there is no loving, sovereign God, prayer would be weakness at best and folly at worst. No, each and every prayer is a tiny piece of a great cosmic puzzle, which when fitted together will allow for the completion of the grand picture of the Almighty Lord’s plan for humanity and the universe. We do not merely pray about the many points featured herein, we pray toward something, and that something is magnificent – the fulfilment of the Father’s purposes and His Kingdom come." Anonymous

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