The Declaration of your Sovereign Will

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We are going through a pivotal time in the history of the human race, and are truly on the cusp of something special. ‘But nothing is going to happen until we make it happen.’

And the first place from which we start to effect real, long lasting change is from within, which involves working on ourselves.

We do this by taking responsibility, first, for our health, grabbing it with both hands, cultivating a practise of self-love, and doing the deep inner work in all its guises, be it in the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Treating every morning as a new birth, allowing yourself the freedom to be as liberated as you were in your youth.

Before those learnt responses of judgment, anger and jealousy became commonplace. Before you reacted, unquestioningly.

Be the brave soul who says I AM.
Be the light that is the beacon for others to follow.
Be the one who says: ‘No more, I am better than this!’
Be the one who steps forth and stands firm in their own divinity.


‘I am the light, the light I AM.’

It is only you who can make the biggest difference to your own life, your own journey.

And it all starts with a simple choice. It begins just by saying:

‘Yes, I am’
I am worthy enough participate.
I am worthy enough to be here right now.
I am all that I believe myself to be, and even more capable than that.

So I declare my Sovereignty and step into my power.

Because I am worthy of the acceptance of my peers, and if this is not afforded to me, I step away. Not out of shame, inadequacy or an inability to people please.

I do so, because it is the most loving thing I can do for myself in that moment, and that is the place from which all my decisions are made.

I come from a heart-based perspective, always, because I am worthy of my own love in each and every moment.

So I afford myself this respect first, so that others may follow suit.

But if that is not so, then I act from a place of none judgment and compassion, with an understanding that is where my detractors are at.

I will meet them there. But I will uphold my dignity, and take myself to a place where I am celebrated, if to those others, I am far less than tolerable.

I do this because I am worth it.

So I declare it, again.

I am a fully liberated sovereign being.

And I am worthy.

Should you be interested in any of the above modalities, whether from a healing perspective, or simply have a wish to satisfy your curiosity, I offer all of them as online sessions.

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