Sleep Paralysis And Other Dimensions [Explained]

I have researched this topic for over a decade and have found inaccurate info around it. Mainly because of our fear of it and our general understanding of reality.

For people who have experienced it, this is a very unpleasant experience and for the most part written off as a dream. This is because it is very hard to understand, due to the experience being in the half asleep state. Mixed with the unpleasantness of the experience we choose to move on and go about our day - forgetting about it.

This is exactly what I did too. Until my curiosity level rose higher than my fear level. This is when I started to gather information on an experiential level. I also read into the scientific information about the topic and found mostly it was an attempt at an explanation rather than the truth. Written by people with no direct experience.

My theory is huge and I would like to share it with you. This will be hard to hear - unless you have this kind of inkling inside. So if you don't like it i'm guessing you will click away very soon, see you another time!

These experiences are caused by people in other dimensions. The reason they do this is because we are a crop to them. Our planet is one of many they use for genetic crop picking. Yep we are like a field of wheat, just waiting to be picked. This will make you feel scared and challenge your current view of yourself, but I assure you its not scary once you understand it.

They are allowed to do this outside of our awareness, which is why it happens when we sleep. There is a whole legal system around this and it is not based on our planet but our legal system is intertwined with it. The rules are clear but at the same time playable just like our legal system. The view of freewill has been trivialized by these beings even more than it has by our current legal system in operation on earth.

Their perspective is that they should be allowed to do what they want with us as we are a their property. They have similar genetics and it is their right to use our genes for their own means, as they would in their society. As we would use our animals for their wool or feathers.

The reason this experience feels so bad is because of the technology used to keep us held in a paralyzed state. The technology connects with the intersection between our emotions and physical movement capabilities.

There is a number of reasons for this:

  • So we are accessible, and don't come out of the non motile state.
  • So we don't hurt them, by force.
  • So we fall under the banner of legally unconscious when being used.

  • It takes them seconds to take a gene sample. They don't physically harm us when they do it - for the most part - and it isn't something we should fear. Fear gives the dark ones power over us, because they are parasitic, our fear feeds them. We spill energy when we experience fear.

    Anyway I wanted to share this little snippet of this enormous topic. There is a lot more to this but it needs to be shared in sections. Hope you liked it!!

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