Manifesting Magick in Conscious Relationships

What does it mean to be in a conscious relationship?

Of course, the answer to this question is different for each individual. Every being experiences life through their own unique perspective, giving birth to infinite ways of relating, creating, & healing through community.

For me, being in a conscious relationship means being completely present for not only your personal spiritual journey, but also your partner’s journey. It means creating a beautiful collaborative life & existence, while also respecting your partner as a sovereign & complete being onto themselves. It means holding space for your Beloved, sometimes even when it’s very challenging for you. Sometimes it means calling your partner on their shit & holding them accountable for their actions.

A sacred partnership is when both beings honor each other as divinity. When two beings have the love, respect, & empowerment to honor themselves as Holy Beings of Light, & then come together in intentional partnership, magick happens!!!

Painting by: Krysaleyesz, "Heart of the Mirror",

Manifesting Magick

We know the drill… We gather under the Crescent New Moon at the start of the Lunar Cycle, we write our manifestations down, we speak them aloud, we believe them to be true, we plant the seeds. We gather under the Full Moon to revisit our intentions, we ponder what’s holding us back from our fullest expression, we write them down, speak them aloud, & burn away the paper & with it any perceived limitations. We sing, we pray, we share, & our dreams become our reality.

Now imagine this ceremony with your Beloved partner. Imagine doing it daily. Imagine looking into each other’s eyes & surrendering. Imagine sharing your deepest desires, fears, & goals with absolutely no reservation. Imagine holding space for someone to feel totally safe to unravel into their truest self. Imagine holding one’s intentions as close to your heart as you do your own. Imagine sharing astral space, multiple dimensions of existence with your Beloved in dreams & ceremony.

This is the deep level of intimacy that we can achieve when we bring presence & mindfulness into our partnerships.

Photo: Levi & I at Three Days of Light Gathering 2016. We came together this weekend to co-create a healing space for the festival community with a full workshop & ceremony schedule, table of crystals for sale, energy work, massage & more. The power of manifestation!!

Being in a conscious relationship isn’t always easy.

When you attract a twin flame partnership into your life, it’s possible that this relationship spans beyond lifetimes & that your souls have previously made a contract to find each other in many existences. When this soul contract actualizes, immense spiritual transformation takes place. Often times, this spiritual transformation can be initially felt as heavy, dark, & intense.

Conscious relationships tend to make you come to terms with all of the places that you still require healing, love, & attention.

At first this can be a daunting & sometimes painful feat, but when we allow ourselves to feel the depth of our pain, we can unrearth such immense healing for ourselves & the collective. Shadow work in relationships reaps huge benefits. Having the support from your partner to explore the darkest corners of your psyches establishes trust, emotional intelligence, intuitive connection & fosters healing from stored traumas.

Sacred Sharing Sessions

One of the benefits of being in a conscious partnership is that you have someone else to manifest your wildest desires with. Sharing in sacred space with an intimate partner is such a beautiful thing. Dropping into ceremony, opening up your heart, speaking your desires & dreams, receiving intuition & divine guidance—this creates a powerful opportunity for incredible manifestation & deep transformation. Entering into this space with you Beloved opens up a whole new portal of expansion & expression.

It is my experience that when I’m in a sacred union & choose to consciously hold ceremony & manifest our intentions together, our manifestations actualize at an extremely rapid rate. With two beings actively working towards the same goals, we are putting a huge amount of energy & positive intention towards manifesting those dreams. This is also called the “Mastermind Concept” in Napoleon Hill’s book, The Law of Success. This is the idea that when people get together & share their ideas with each other, a collective field is created that facilitates rapid growth.

One of the ways to start dropping into this practice is to have sacred sharing sessions with your partner. Take the time to sit down face-to-face to each other, solely for the purpose of sharing & listening. Take turns talking. Allow one person to speak for 5 minutes straight without stopping. Share your feelings, frustrations, stories, dreams, insights, manifestations, intentions…speak from your heart, whatever that sounds like. The other person is simply listening, holding space as a witness without thinking about how they want to respond.

We are allowing our partners & to speak their authenticity & truth without expectation. No response is needed, just thank you partner for sharing.

It can also be very rewarding to explore divination with your partner. Talk about the messages that are coming through from your guides, your intuition, your dreams symbols. Maybe your partner will have a pearl of wisdom to share with you about what you’re experiencing. Maybe they have been feeling similar energies & have been able to perceive it in a different way than you. Maybe you just need someone to hear you speak so that you can come to a clear conclusion yourself! It’s convenient to have an extra third eye to help you make sense of this crazy magickal dream world we call Earth!

Photo: Soaking in all in! Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica, June 2017

In Closing,

I am so immensely grateful for my deeply inspiring partner, Levi @crystalgeometry, & all of the beauty that he has brought into my life. It has been such an honor to co-create our existence together & I am constantly amazed by the life that we have so lucidly weaved for ourselves.
You have reminded me more than ever that, that achieving my wildest dreams is my birthright.
Thank you for taking this crazy ride with me & thank you for listening to the signs with me.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this transmission! Below is a video where Levi & I explored this topic in greater depth while traveling through Costa Rica.

Lots of Love & Deep Bows, Priestess Laura

Stay connected with me: instragram: @laura_laflora

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