Third Eye Vibes - Align vs. Hustle

Brow Chakra aka.png

My main goal in 2018 is to continue my journey of self-love, self-care, and self-healing. Thank goodness for technology and all of the lovely Spirits that make it easy for me to research and find tools that work for me on my path. I want to keep up the momentum for the New Year and work on my energetic levels from the bottom up. In yesterday's post we discussed the fifth chakra, The Throat Chakra.

Let's learn and adventure together as we get in alignment by giving 1:1 attention to each of these energy centers.

What are chakras?

"The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive." - source

Where is the Third Eye Chakra located?

"Ajna Chakra's kshetram, or superficial location, is between the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose. The pineal gland deep inside the brain is also associated with Ajna, as both are considered a "third eye". The location makes it a sacred spot where Hindus apply a vermilion bindi to show reverence." - source

When should we work to heal this Chakra?

"When the Third eye chakra has an imbalance, it can manifest as:

Feeling stuck in the daily grind without being able to look beyond your problems and set a guiding vision for yourself
Overactive third chakra without support from the rest of the chakra system may manifest as fantasies that appear more real than reality, indulgence in psychic fantasies and illusions
Not being able to establish a vision for oneself and realize it
Rejection of everything spiritual or beyond the usual
Not being able to see the greater picture
Lack of clarity." - source

Why should we align this Chakra?

"The third eye chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:

Perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy
Psychic abilities related to clairvoyance and clairaudience especially
Access to mystical states, illumination
Connection to wisdom, insight
Motivates inspiration and creativity
The third eye chakra is an instrument to perceive the more subtle qualities of reality. It goes beyond the more physical senses into the realm of subtle energies. Awakening your third eye allows you to open up to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception." - source

How can we balance this Chakra?

Say Daily Affirmations - source

  • "I am intuitive."
  • "I trust my intuition."
  • "I trust the guidance I get through all of my gifts."
  • "It is safe follow this guidance."
  • "I am my higher truths."
  • "I am clear."
  • "My thoughts are calm and peaceful."
  • "I know my own voice."
  • "I have a healthy mind."
  • "I have a creative imagination."
  • "I am connected to my true path and purpose."
  • "All of the answers I need are inside of me."
  • "I easily hear the voice of my soul."
  • "I embrace my psychic and clairvoyant abilities."
  • "I let my ‘sixth sense’ guide me."
  • "I hear my inner voice."
  • "I have unlimited possibilities."
  • "I am my spiritual truth."
  • "I embody my spiritual gifts."
  • "I hear my intuition. I trust my inner teacher and follow his/her guidance."

Work with Crystals - source

Receive Reiki -

Try a Guided Meditation -

If you try anything from this post, let me know how you like it! And if not, what are some tips that you have for balancing yourself on a spiritual level?

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