Meditation - A path to your Hidden Potentials

Meditation, one key aspect of our life which lot of people tend to just ignore or not pay attention to......

A lot of people ask me what should we exactly do in Meditation, my only one answer to them is, You do not do anything, Meditation is nothing but bringing stillness.
Stillness within your Mind, thoughts, emotions. Again here stillness does not mean suppress. When I say stillness it purely means just quieting yourself.

Image Source: Pixabay

For a beginner, let's see, how can you start this Journey
Most of us Meditate for inner peace, relaxation, calmer emotions and for a healthy body, while a few Meditate with a very strong focus on spiritual advancement. But with whatever intention you meditate when your practice is regular with attention then you will get an experience of super-consciousness. And once you get the taste of your super-conscious it is like never looking back.

There are ample ways of Meditation, you can just select what suits you the best and go ahead with the practice. It is good to keep one practice and follow it for longer duration for better results rather that trying out some new form everyday.

If one is not sure about how to start with the Meditation practice, one can first get into a Passive Meditation, and then slowly progress towards Active Meditation.

In Passive Meditation you just settle down with your Mind, Body and Emotions by sitting in a calm posture for around 15 to 20 minutes or for a minimum of 10 minutes. In this time the Ego Mind gets quiet down, there is a state of surrendering. You do not do anything here, if there are thoughts passing you let them pass, the only thing you do is do not hold on to them.
Over a period of time you will see the thoughts getting lesser and lesser.

And from there you can slowly take the shift to the Active Meditation, where the true journey of Inwardness begins. Active Meditation helps the mind to create an Internal shift, It can be a guided meditation, or repeating a Mantra, listening to some esoteric tones or focusing on the breadth, the active meditation brings your focus in a proactive manner to stimulate the Alpha brain waves activity in the Brain.

The benefits of an active meditation is that you can bring your focus just on one thing which helps slow down the brain waves.

If you are into regular meditation, active and passive forms will not matter to you as you would have already mastered the art of stillness.

Image Source: Pixabay

There are ample of ways to progress spiritually, I will not only say spiritually but also in every aspect of your being. Meditation is one of those ways and a powerful one. Meditation is the only practice where the focus is inwards, whereas all the other spiritual practices takes your focus outwards.

For a Good Meditation practice you need to set certain rules for yourself.

  1. Dedicate a place for meditation. It builds up energy over a period of time in that space.
  2. Dedicate a fix time in a day for meditation. This brings in discipline in your practice.
  3. Genuinely get the desire to meditate. It should not become just one another routine for the day.
  4. Meditate with no expectations. This is one of the biggest mistake people make. People think if they meditate, all their problems will end, which is not the case. With Meditation practices you will learn how to deal with your problems effectively and not take a toll on your life.

Do a Meditation practice for a period of 40 days and observe the effect it has on you and your relationships.

As such Meditation should be a way of life and not a time bound activity, but to start with one should first come to the stage of complete surrender. Once that happens you can be in a Meditative state for 24 hours of the day with whatever activity you are doing.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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