Sci-Fi and Fantasy Is Steeped in Luciferian Propaganda

I was a huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy as a teen. In hindsight, most things I was drawn to was steeped in luciferianism. I read Arthur C Clarke's "Childhood's End" in my teens and loved it. I agreed with its conclusions.

I read Phillip Pulman's "His Dark Materials", CS Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", John Wyndham and more. I loved it ALL.

Sci-fi and fantasy put me in touch with wonder and awe --- things I was missing because I did not have a relationship with God, despite my Roman Catholic education. My spirit was DEADENED and I needed substitutes for a relationship with God. I turned to meditation for bliss and calm. I pretended I couldn't hear the Holy Spirit because I had turned my back on my Creator out of pride.

Many novelists imbue their work with occult ideas. For example, CS Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is completely pagan, despite its very thin veneer of Christian themes. It isn't surprising J.K. Rowling counts Lewis as an inspiration.

From sci-fi and fantasy, I went onto exploring the ET phenomenon, eastern religions, esoteric spirituality, new-age, channelling etc. Finally, I even started to practice a form of transpersonal therapy. All of it was devoid of God Himself.

We don't need witchcraft, magic or esoteric knowledge when we have a direct relationship with our Creator. We don't need to chase wonder, awe and thrills when we know Jesus Christ and live a life led by the Holy Spirit. Wonder, awe etc. are natural bonuses of knowing God deeply in our spirit.

We can know EXACTLY what Jesus was talking about if we repent of our sins and follow him. It's all in the Bible... if we are open to seeing it and putting a search for Truth above the falsehoods we hold dear.

Do not expose your kids to these things because they open doors for spiritual deception, spiritual entity oppression/possession. Instead, show your kids that a direct relationship with God is real and how to rely on God for everything! Educate them about their spirit, soul and body and how to be led by God.

If you're spiritually struggling with something or are a troubled Christian and would like to talk, I offer my time freely to encourage others in their own walk with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Send me a message through the contact form at my website below and we can schedule a conversation.

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