
Some make intuition their idol.
Others their intellect, feelings and thoughts.
Others their body, another's body, some object, spirit or even celestial body.
There are all kinds of idols. Even religious, spiritual and atheistic kinds.

All idolatry is essentially idolatry of our own self -- where we place some limited, fallible and temporary creation above the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresence Creator (the one who sustains us in pure love) and His sustenance.

God made human beings for a purpose, even though most of humanity keeps themselves cut off from Him. That purpose is designed into our body and soul itself. Our bodies are supposed to be temples of the Holy Spirit. All idolatry basically cuts us off from that and the root of it is pride with added mistrust of life and God. This is what satan seeks to perpetuate.

If you're spiritually struggling with something or are a troubled Christian and would like to talk, I offer my time freely to encourage others in their own walk with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Send me a message through the contact form at my website below and we can schedule a conversation.


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