Cooperating with God's Healing

God's Holy Spirit can clean our body, soul and spirit of the spiritual trash we've accepted in our life as a result of our actions etc... The process will be quicker, less messy and painful if we let Him, instead of running away like little children or lashing out in fear/anger. We have nothing to fear.

If we trust Him, our loving Heavenly Father takes the old, filthy bandages we've learnt to put on our wounds. We can know His supernatural healing throughout our life.

If we know Jesus Christ, we know God, our Father.

If we think about Jesus Christ in the Bible, God is like that. Jesus mirrors God in the Old Testament. From His love, healing and power to His anger (e.g. when clearing the Temple of traders).

After we're born again, the Holy Spirit IN us cleans OUR temple (our body) of spiritual filth too. Before that, the Spirit patiently guides us to Truth, if we listen.

All true healing and miracles (from God, as opposed to healing from fallen angels and demons) happen through the Holy Spirit who speaks only for God, the Father and Son.


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