Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 7 - I will examine my feelings today

Day 7 - I will examine my feelings today

If the disturbed emotional nature obscures the light of the soul then it is a wise step to examine one’s emotions and discover any problems there. Those who identify with the feeling world make little effort to discover emotional blockages for they feel that their feelings are who they are and few want to change their essence.

When the seeker realizes that he is not his feelings, but they are merely a vehicle he uses then he is more likely to make changes for the better. After all, most would be happy to trade in their old car for a newer and better model.

To discover emotional blockages the seeker must look. Here are some feelings that can manifest and block out the light of the soul.

(1) Selfish desire love. This is a love that seeks to possess rather than to serve.

(2) Grievances held from lack of forgiveness or feeling hurt.

(3) Anger, irritation and resentment not harmlessly released.

(4) Fear – honestly face them all.

(5) Inflated self importance in relation to others

(6) The feeling of being a victim

(7) Jealously

(8) Depression and discouragement

(9) False humility

(10) Feeling overwhelmed, alone or abandoned.

This is not a complete list but merely presented to give you ideas of what to look for.

Your assignment to today is to examine your feelings from the viewpoint of the observer. Ask yourself which feelings are active and blocking the light of the soul and which ones are not.

The problem here is that the feelings that create the greatest problem are often the most difficult to truthfully face. Therefore, do your best to examine the whole range of your emotions and identify those that create the most interference.

When you discover a feeling that seems to create interference focus on it and say:
“The love of God radiates on this feeling and brings me peace.”

Again, three times a day is recommended, but be sure to get in at least one good review.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the Soul

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.

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