We over look the obvious when it is delivered in subtle ways.

Hello world. Sometimes the answer we seek is right in front of us and we do not see it. We go round and round in circles spinning our proverbial wheels, never seeing the clues being placed in front of us. We over look the obvious when it is delivered in subtle ways.

Over the years my Guides have directed me to read certain materials and study different paths. The first path I was directed to was the path of Wicca. The next was Druidism. Then Shamanism. Intermixed among them were the studies of the main stream religions. I was seeking answers as to which religion held the Truth.

What I found was that each held Truth within them. Each held similarities in their stories of the beginnings of creation. Each talked of loving one another. Each talked of forgiving. Each talked of sharing with those in need. Each talked of respecting each other. Each talked of respecting our elders. Each spoke of listening to hear each other. Each talked about not judging another.

What was also found was that each of them had been twisted into a tool of manipulation being used to control the masses. Each had been twisted with an egoistic belief in fear. These teaching had become weapons to be used to beat and kill each other with. The words of Wisdom that had once healed now kill.

On my journey my Guides directed me to read A Course in Miracles. They then led me to read The Law of One. Next they had me read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Lastly they had me read The Kybalion. As I read the last book I came to recognize they had taught me it from the back to the front.

The paths I was guided down had an interconnection with each other just as the main stream religions do. The paths I followed each held understandings of the Spiritual realms, material or energetic realms, and Universal realms. They each taught one how to take responsibility for the energies they extend outward. How everything is interconnected one unto the other. That everything moves within a cycle and has a purpose. That if one item is removed it upsets the balance of the system of the life force energy causing havoc and chaos without and within.

On this journey I have asked many times for a name from my Guides. Each time I would ask or another would ask them the response would always be the same. They would state that the messenger does not matter here. All that matters is that you listen to the message and do what is being asked of you. You are not asked to judge it. Do what is asked and see for yourself if what we share with you is True.

Every time I did as I was asked I found what they shared was the Truth. This continued until I stopped asking for a name. Even when I would see them face to face in dreams I did not ask their names. I accepted what was shared and asked for clarity when I did not understand. Each time I was given what I asked for.

Last night I was reminded of my dreams and the place I would meet my Guides in. I was also reminded of the materials I had been guided to read. What each had in common was that the "Author" was the same being. Last night I received the answer to who one of my Guides are. Last night I channeled The Voiceless Voice. The Voice’s I hear are of a Spiritual Nature and other worldly. I channel Holy Spirit and my Guides. One of my guides is Thoth. Last night I was speaking to Him and The Voiceless Voice was written.

Thoth is one of my Guides. He placed all the clues before me and I could not see them. I was blinded by my need for a label, a Title to attach myself to and follow blindly without questioning. In His Wisdom He stood His ground and got me to look at what was brought before me and to question everything. He taught me to discern the Truth from all that is brought before me and to pay attention to the details. That in everything I am the one making all the decisions and choices to be and believe. That I am the one manifesting the world I perceive. All I had to do is open my eyes to what was right in front of me.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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