Humanity, courage is needed to face the Authority Problem and the Iceberg!

Humanity you are faced with a decision this day and courage is needed. Those who arbitrate the laws, religious leaders, corporate entities and government entities are working hand in hand this day to silence the voices of those shining the Light of Truth. They are silencing any who would stand up for themselves and those around them. They are using each individual being as an example for the masses to witness what will happen to them if they choose to speak out on how they are being treated and the things they are witnessing happening around them.

The common thread these arbitrators of law, religious leaders, companies, governments and their followers have is an AUTHORITY PROBLEM! The problem is they believe they are the authority over you. They believe they are the masters of you and that the only rights you have are what they give you. They use psychological warfare on you subliminally to get you to hand away your rights to them willingly.

They use the power of suggestion first. Then they use the manipulation of words to create shame, guilt and blame. Next, they use threats of violence to create fear. When none of this works they use physical pain and suffering. When that stops working they then use what you love as leverage against you. Hurting what you love until you comply.

Humanity you are being conditioned mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to willingly submit to slavery and beg for your masters to treat you with cruelty. The words I am hearing is Stockholm Syndrome. You are being conditioned to hand away your Sovereignty for a false facade of safety and security. You are being trained to believe you do not exist and have no rights because you are property. That the only rights you have are given you by your masters. Anything you would choose for you is prohibited because the master would not approve.

Look at how these men blame women for their lack of self-control. Look at how they are raping, beating and grooming women and children into sex slavery. Look at how women are made to cover themselves in sheets as if they are the walking dead. Ghosts with no rights and no voice because the men are cowards who cannot control themselves and refuse to be responsible for their lack of control and their own actions.

Recognize how they subvert the free will of the women because of their own fears and shame. They are cowards who cannot control themselves. They are abusers of women and molesters of children. They twist the Holy Words given them into a travesty of tyranny, persecution and annihilation of any who refuse to conform to their demented ways of believing and thinking.

Until these men grow some back bones and take responsibility of themselves, their choices to believe and what they ARE CHOOSING TO DO..., WHICH IS, taking away another's Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing through Free Will as GOD created them to be, they do not deserve to be part of society. If they cannot heal and let, go this need to be in control of another then death may be the only answer for them. All they will spread is separation, hatred and abuse otherwise. These men of the world need to stop being cowards and start standing up against these rapists, molesters and murders within their midst calling themselves leaders and believers. Until they do something to stop what is happening they are all cowards.

Everything we believe is a choice. Everything we have been taught to believe in are judgments and is a choice we make to accept as being true for us. No one makes these choices for us to believe. When we choose to accept another's judgments as Truth we are handing them our power. Every time we accept another's prohibitions telling us we need their permission to be, say and do we willing agree to be their slave.

What I am speaking of are judgments and how we accept judgments from others and judge ourselves and our experiences to be what they are. If we are perfect and everything is for our benefit, how could anything ever go wrong? How could anything ever be bad? All comes down to perspective and how we are choosing to perceive it, judge it and believe it to be for us. Every time we judge we are telling the world we know more than God. That we know more and are better able to decide what is or is not of benefit and worthy to be experienced by us... That is what our ego would have us do and believe. That we are the teacher of God... Judging will be harmful to you. When you are judging anything as good, bad, right, or wrong it affects you. When you try to control another, it affects you. Every choice you make affects you.

Everything we go through in our lives are for our benefit. EVERYTHING has a lesson within it we came here to learn about ourselves! Even these experiences of extreme abuses have lessons within them that are of benefit to those experiencing them. Each is being used to show one the facets of Sovereignty and what is not Sovereignty. They show one what it is they would prefer to experience when given another experience to gauge it by.

When things are triggering a negative response in you, that is an opportunity to heal being handed to you in that moment if you choose to actually look at it and accept it as it is without judgment. Ask your Guides and Spirit what it's purpose for you is... You will be given the answer. All is for our benefit without exception.

When we are choosing to judge what is experienced as being what it is for us, it becomes harmful. Nothing can harm us unless we choose to allow it. We make a conscious choice when we judge whatever we are going through to experience it in the way we do. It is that fact all of us must own as the absolute truth. We do these things to ourselves when we judge others or ourselves. It is our choice... What will you choose? Holy Spirit or ego...they are awaiting your choice... Who will you choose this day? Who?

If you want to change the world, you must change your mind about how YOU are seeing it. When you change your mind about how you perceive the world a funny thing happens. The world suddenly changes. You stop seeing it as you once did and see it with a different set of eyes or perspective. The shift happens within you. As your perceptions shift the world around you shifts with it.

Basic psychology has been used on an amplified scale against Humanity. Their consciousness of being has been getting hammered away at from birth. They are drugged and coerced into silence and compliance until they explode in a travesty of death and destruction against those stating they are the authority over them. This cycle continues to repeat itself generation after generation. The poisoning of your environment, body, mind, soul and all you take into you.

Humanity is coming full circle in their training and are now asking their masters to take away the rest of their rights from them. Asking their abusers to abuse them more. Humanity has entered fully into the co-dependent relationship of the abuser and their enabler. For Humanity is now making excuses for why it is their leaders have not been able to do any of the things they said would be done. Humanity now has to take responsibility for themselves and their choices to continue staying in that co-dependent relationship with the ones who are trying to kill them every day...

I keep getting images of an iceberg with people at its peak and some at the edges and some are treading water. Only a handful muster the courage to dive deeply below the surface to see where it all began. I am one of the few that jumped from the peak to the depths.

We are the iceberg. It represents the physical, mental and emotional manifestation of our existence. We each float through our lives with a limited awareness of what is on the surface. We are taught to never look below the surface at what is hidden under it all. To never question what the authority said was true.

It is what is below the surface that we have built our foundations upon. It is what is below the surface that will free us. Each of us must find the courage within us to dive below the surface and seek out the Truth of who we are. In doing so we come full circle back to Source.

Please be the Light, we see you to be. Please be the Light, we know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose to be the Light.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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