Discerning the difference between Knowledge or Knowing and the Truth of what is being shared with you.

Many teachers share their knowledge of materials they have read, watched, and listened too. They talk about ideas, theories, concepts, and ideals that seem to resonate with them. That they want to believe in and place their faith and trust into. This sharing of knowledge is helpful in creating an opening in the thought processes so one may consider a new perspective of viewing things.

The sharing of knowledge is the sharing of something taught and learned. It comes from an external source outside of you. Many times knowledge shared is not questioned as to it's foundations of Truth. It is simply assumed to be truth because of the person saying it or because it resonates with what we are believing in ourselves. Things our families and society have trained us to believe in as being the truth. Yet, none of it has any foundation in Truth.

Knowing comes from within. It is based in the very Foundation of Truth. It comes from personal experience and the lessons learned from those experiences. The lesson being, seeing the Truth of your own judgments of what you were believing any situation to be. That no one made those judgments but you. That it is and has been your own judgments that eat at you from within.

Knowing comes when one willingly looks at the things they have been believing defines them and the world around them. When one looks at the choices they have made to believe as they do, they see every judgment and opinion that was handed to them. They will begin to truly see that none of those judgments are true. None of those things define them and they never have. It was only their belief in them that had them thinking they were true.

Knowing is seeing this Truth and accepting it. Knowing is seeing the judgments for what they are. Knowing is no longer accepting judgments or giving them any longer. Knowing is learning that who you are has always been and cannot be damaged, hurt, or changed by outside circumstances. Knowing is being at peace within and without no matter what the circumstances around you may be.

The sharing of Knowing is the sharing of our personal experiences and the lessons we have learned or are learning from them. It is sharing how our perspectives and purview of an experience has changed when seen without the veils of fear, pain, judgment, and suffering. Of being able to observe that instant and see it in a different light without the garbage being laid over it.

Discerning the differences between knowledge being shared or Knowing being shared is if you are hearing them speak of how they were shown that this is Truth. How they were healed of that belief that had been causing their suffering. How they came to this understanding through their personal experiences and the corrections to their choices to misperceive or judge their situation as being other than it was.

This is how you discern the Truth of knowledge being shared with you or True Knowing.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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