The Voiceless Voice.

The voiceless voice that is within and without, heals that which is seen and that which is unseen when one chooses to stop and listen to it. It leads one an inward journey into the labyrinth that is their own mind. Each nook and crevice holds a key to the secrets of the chains that bind them in the darkness of the nightmares within their own minds. Each one repeating itself over and over in an insane never ending cycle of debilitating sounds and images. Each one tightening the chains binding you as it repeats itself over again. Tightening until you are choking and suffocating yourself into nonexistence.

The Voiceless Voice is Holy Spirit and your Spiritual Guides speaking to you on your journey. They are the Masters given you to guide you through the Labyrinth that you perceive as your reality. For all that you hold onto within those passages you project out before you into the reality of your existence.

In following the Voiceless Voice you seek out all you have hidden from yourself. You look within every niche and crack for all that may be hidden there. Turning every stone you come upon to find the Truth of your own choices to believe.

The Voiceless Voice whispers in your ear where to look, what to listen to and what to read. It gives clarity, understanding and purpose to all that is experienced and the lessons to be learned from them. For everything we experience is for our benefit. Each one is created specifically for us to learn the lessons we came here to learn about ourselves.

The Voiceless Voice will speak to us when we ask for it. It's purpose is to guide us to the full knowing of who we are and were meant to be. It leads one to Sovereignty of Being and the ability to manifest from the ether All That Is as it is. Including the shell one chooses to express themselves in and from.

Humanity is moving back into their natural state of being which is Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing. The Voiceless Voice is the Voice of God calling each of us back to the Truth of who we are. Back to the Heart of All That IS. So we may find peace within the Oneness of All That IS as our Natural State of Being, Sovereign!

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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