The kingdom of heaven is within you


There are two of you. The false self and the true self. The false self is the ego, the identity you have created throughout life, sculpted by people around you, by experiences you've been through, by beliefs, by dogma and so on. You have fears, you have good emotions and bad emotions, you perceive your environment and react to it in a positive or negative way, based on your judgement which is conditioned by the filter you've created through which you label every experience. You got to the point where you've become a cage for your true expression, your true self. You've put borders to that which is unlimited.

Your true self is your soul. It is pure awareness, pure consciousness. It never lies, it never means no harm, it knows no fears, it hates nobody.

Once you merge the two into one, by becoming aligned to that which is your true self, that's the moment you become one with Source. That's the moment you understand heaven.

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