The God concept

The term God is misunderstood by the people, because of different religious doctrines and its meaning was distorted by the passing of time. There is no God in the sense that most religious and non-religious people understand it. God is everything there is, every rock, every grass every living being, every atom and much more. That means we are part of god. It has no form, it is not limited by space and time, as time is nothing but a human concept invented in order to help us navigate the 3D material world. So for me the word God is limiting the infinity of what god actually is, but for the sake of this article I'm gonna use it.

Our 5 senses can only perceive a small fraction of what IS. As illustrated in the picture below, our eyes can only see an infinitely small amount of the light spectrum.

Same goes for our ears when it comes to sound. There is no secret that our 5 senses only perceive that what is needed for us in order to survive. What we call colors are in fact light on different vibratory frequency. Sound is also vibrations on different frequency.

Temperature is energy at different vibratory frequency, and so on, this applies to everything in nature. Everything we know is some form of energy vibrating at a certain frequency.

Science also knows today that even matter is energy vibrating. But matter is also part of what we call god at a very low frequency. And just like hot and cold are extremes of the same energy vibrating lower or higher, matter is the lower vibratory extreme of God, while spirit is the higher vibratory extreme of God. As our bodies are matter, it means our frequency is pretty low compared to that of spirit. And just as our eyes cannot perceive the light spectrum above the color violet and bellow the color red, none of our 5 senses can perceive god entirely. We can only perceive the part which consists in the material world. This is why this confusion is born and people unconsciously try to separate themselves from that which we are an inseparable part.

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