Powerful method for manifesting everything you desire

Thoughts and emotions (mind and heart) are the key ingredient to manifesting whatever we desire in our life. Together they produce our state of being, which creates an electromagnetic signature that influences every atom in the world.

When we have a clear intention in mind, but we feel unworthy or uncertain about the probability of that intention to be fulfilled, we send incoherent signals and nothing happens, because the electro-magnetic wave is not in-phase. When our thoughts and emotions are coherent, then we match the signature of the things we want to manifest and should make sure to keep this state of being as much as possible, because sometimes we do it right the first time, but then the next day we shift back to the old ways of thinking and feeling. Quite simply, our routine, habitual thoughts and feelings perpetuate the same state of being, which creates the same behaviors and ultimately the same reality. So if we want to change some aspect of our reality we have to think, feel and act in new ways. We need to visualize a new outcome with a new mind.

So the key is to feel the way we think, to have our thoughts and feelings aligned. Have a clear intent, see the outcome in your mind and at the same time feel as if it already happened. Have gratitude and appreciation for the thing you desire as you would if it was in your possession already. This requires absolute faith in the divine process.

During this experiment avoid thinking on the "how". Instead leave the details to the unpredictable quantum field. Let it orchestrate an event in your life in a way that is just right for you, even if it comes as a surprise.

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