The Oppression of the Divine Feminine: The Real Reason Why Women Feel Unequal

I feel like there are two main sides to the ongoing debate regarding women’s equality. There are the feminists, who generally believe women are being treated unfairly and still have many obstacles to overcome. Some of these obstacles include a wage gap in our work industry, the sexualization of women in the media, being at a higher risk for poverty, domestic abuse and rape, unfair trials for rape victims, under-representation in politics and STEM fields, human trafficking/sex slavery and no power over our own reproductive rights. The list goes on but these seem to be the main concerns.

The opposers either believe that these obstacles don’t exist, women have the same opportunities as men, or they are simply not affected by these issues, therefore, are apathetic and tired of hearing about them. So what’s my stance on the issue? Well, it’s complicated.

I definitely feel that women face many obstacles, but the true nature of some of these problems and the proposed resolution aren’t as simple as they seem. Women aren’t as prominent in STEM fields because they are choosing not to participate in them, not because of their exclusion. Women also don’t make as much money as men because of a variety of factors including more vacation time, maternity leave, shorter hours, and the refusal to ask for higher pay. I’m not saying this is an absolute rule. There are women who make more than men, and women who are being discriminated against. But to say that there is a wage gap for all women is a very one-sided and skewed statement. To believe that women face no obstacles is one-sided and skewed as well.

Women do face a number of challenges, usually in regards to our bodies. For some reason, women’s bodies seem to not belong to them. They are abused, sexualized, objectified, raped and controlled. That is not an opinion, that is a statement on events that are happening in our world. The fact that rape even exists is enough evidence of an imbalance. Who the hell decided that it would even be a thing to force someone into one of the most intimate and sacred acts we have access to as humans?

The loss of control over our own bodies can be very damaging. So what are the consequences of this for the collective female psyche? We feel hurt, vulnerable, betrayed and angry. This collective pain wreaks havoc on our society. It splits both men and women into groups on how we deal with this pain. Some become very angry or sad. Some become uncomfortable and transmute this into anger towards the person bringing the issue to their attention. Others transmute this into apathy or annoyance towards the ones doing the “complaining.” There are many different reactions, but do we ever think about what exactly caused this imbalance? When finding a solution to a problem, doesn’t it make more sense to find the source of the problem first? Many will tell you “Duh! It’s the patriarchal state of the world we live in that’s causing all this mistreatment!” But do we know what exactly brought this system about? Maybe it’s not physical, but metaphysical.

There are two main energies which make up the collective energy in the world, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Can you guess which one is more prominent? That’s right, even females are made up of more masculine energy than feminine. But it wasn’t always this way. We were a female energy dominant species until we fell in consciousness.We were in a state of unconditional love with no war, no famine, and no power differences between males and females. Now that we are a male-energy dominant species, we’ve gained many benefits, including technology, innovation and infrastructure. This is because the Divine Masculine energy is characterized by logic, reason, action, firmness, survival, loyalty, adventure, rationality, strength, competition and determination. These are all wonderful qualities when balanced with the Divine Feminine, which is intuitive, nurturing, healing, gentle, expressive, wise, patient, emotional, flexible, creative, compassionate and holistic in nature. When not balanced, a lot of ugliness can come from the Divine Masculine.

Right now, the Divine Masculine is so strong and disoriented that it is damaging our connection with nature and each other, while weakening and exploiting the feminine. We expand, invent and innovate without regard to who or what we destroy. We build, build, build without worrying about the consequences. We start wars, build nuclear weapons, destroy our environment and exploit each other. The importance of love, harmony, and relationships with each other and all things has been greatly lessened, and with it, so have women. We feel a general unimportance from the lack of feminine energy. So we start to look for answers in the 3D realm. We look for any instances of unfairness to justify how we’re feeling. But the cause isn’t REALLY in this physical realm. It derives from the warped and exploited feminine energy. And you can’t have a physical solution to a non-physical problem, can you?

Why do you think women have been fighting for decades for the same thing and STILL haven’t really found relief? We need to restore the Divine Feminine, and the only way to do this is to raise our own vibration. Connect with yourself and others on a non-physical level. Meditate, practice self-reflection and love always. Don’t kick and scream and shout about the imbalance, for that will only drive the stake deeper. As you restore this feminine energy within yourself, it will affect others. It will heal the Divine Masculine as well, for that too is suffering. Men, you also need to connect with your feminine energy. This doesn’t mean being “weak” or “soft.” It means seeing things from a different point of view, and not being afraid to love unconditionally. It means dropping the expectation that you solely are responsible for protecting and providing. It means seeing women as truly your equal. We must heal ourselves first before we can heal the imbalance.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Divine Feminine and Masculine energy, here is a very fun and informational video from one of my favorite web series :)

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