Being Mindful is the new Black

Being Mindful is the new Black or better yet a double rainbow. Did just see a unicorn? Oh yeah, and it was puking rainbows!

Meditation and Yoga is no longer for the Eastern guru. It is widespread practice these days and good business. Meditation, the practice of mindfulness is crucially important to living a happy life, especially if you're into empowered creatorship.

If you are already practiced at Meditation! Bravo. Thank you for your work for all of us. It’s big work and its the most important kind! Mindfulness attunes us with Love’s order, with a field of awareness and knowing - that aligns our actions for the benefit of all.

Imagine the magnitude of affect, if each human ONLY set the intention to choose mindfulness?!

Without mindfulness, your mind is full of everyone's else's thoughts and societies incessant 10,000 frames a day over stimulus approach to advertise all over you, every moment.

Imagine a peaceful world, without being bombarded with corporatized clutter, where you can actually here the messages from Source speaking to and through you. Might we be getting along better? be more abundant and happier?

Ever meditated with your work team? We do - every morning at The Earth Nation Heartquarters. It helps us attune ourselves for productive and synergistic team flow.

So, back to those pesky thoughts. Are they consuming YOU? or are you in control? Whose driving this human vehicle?

Better not get attached to those THOUGHTS cause everything and every thought passes through - eventually fades like your favorite red teeshirt that now is pink, like cotton candy bubble gum, and it makes you want to puke…..rainbows?


The thinker is very tricky, and in fact is so good at what it does, it will have you thinking that you are IT! and that everything It (the mind ) knows is who you are. Ah how it loves to pretend, but in fact. You are more than the mind and wiser. You know better.

You are so much more beyond your body and beyond your thoughts. What if for a moment you could conceive a force within you, that is ineffably as beautiful and awe-inspiring as the all mighty - insert your favorite God character - wait don’t do that - because God is never that limited, and there is nothing God truly Isn’t.

So You, my sprit being, my unfathomable big universal creature and very small tiny imploding spark that started it all!

You. my friend are not your thoughts, or identities, experiences. You are beyond thought.

And What if Meditation is a great vehicle for You to experience the GOD within? THE AWARENESS of LOVE.

Awareness breathes you, IS YOU, and thought forms are.... cloudy - lots of clouds of ideas; of concepts, theories, beliefs, cultural stories, protection devices, ego drives, Yes yes!

You see how cloudy the sky is! And when you walk the busy sidewalks of a city and there are thousands of people above you, behind you. Whose thoughts are you thinking now?

Ah! Do not despair Clark Kent, for you are Superman underneath that crisp button down and shiny shoes, ah yes. You are Mr. Mindfulness.

You employ the mind for miracles, for solutions, for LOVE!

You are not the chattering monkey!

Ah you are so much more!

Has your lid popped off yet? Mind going crazy, running in a tizzy, because we’re revealing a much bigger truth? Pull the fire alarm, alert the authorities….!!!

So, "WHO" is that little micromanager inside your head? Is this you? Is this thought, that desire, or this belief you!? Nah, that’s too limiting, too monkey brain human, too je ne sais quoi. What is most professionally masterfully important that WE know and understand right meow is that

You are not your thoughts!

You are the observer behind the thoughts. Got God? Good!

You are the Witness. I like to imagine my brain is sitting up in the corner of the room watching everything.

Ever been a peeping Tom, or have voyeur fantasies? Well! I told you we’d have fun.

This is your time to Spy on your mind.

IT’s very difficult, but I know you are cut out for it.

You’re a natural. I promise. Money back - guarantee! (flashes blackened tooth smile)

Cut! Where is this going really? Ah ha! Caught you? Now is the time to sit still - like you’re in the corner, bad bad human, nah, just kidding, all that Santa Claus and coal stuff was really traumatizing.

The First Step To Masterful Mindfullness is to REMEMBER, Practice, and Know that you are WITNESS, the Watcher!
PRACTICE Numero Uno:

Sit in meditation. Take slow deep breaths and imagine your mind is a calm lake. Each time a boat, or a fish or a dinner plate of your next meal shows up, Write it down.

Write down any thoughts that come into your mind. Over time, you will not want to write your thoughts down, and you will simply OBSERVE the thoughts coming and going, like if you we're sitting on the shore's edge of a river. You thus become very good at being the witness of the mind, rather than the mind controlling you. This is BIG work, and the kind that make ALL the difference in your life and those around you.

Have you ever been around someone whose mind is clear? Their field presence is pristine. They feel peaceful, act with grace, and find themselves in effortless flow.

Wowzers. Now - we’re talking Heaven on Earth and Unicorns puking rainbows.

It’s Real. AS real as it gets!

I LOVE YOU, Lila*Star

Enjoy the stillness! will lead you to the silliness <3

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