Introducing yourself via online is like walking into a bar bucked A** Naked lol.

Hey Steemit,
My name is DaVan,

A.k.a (Do people even say that anymore? lol) Divine Sage.
I was introduced to this platform by @TiffanySatchel The 11:11 Coach. I am so grateful for you. Thank you for all you have done for women across the world and for me as well. You are truly a Divine being.

I am like Tiffany a Spiritual Guide/Life Coach (I'm still working on that title). I'm also learning how to balance several income streams at once. I absolutely love helping people. I really enjoy helping women realize their inner Goddess that dwells within and wants to come out and play. Helping women realize their strengths, set goals, eat a healthy diet, and take accountability for their actions is very important to me. It's important because I am a Black Woman, and most of my clients are as well. Not only that but because I feel we humans can quickly forget how amazing we are in the drop of a dime. Many of the times it's because of the past. We can't let it go of it....Well I'll go further here tomorrow.


I also have been investing my time in my community. The name of my Non-Profit Organization is EUUNI and can be found here We help to unite members in the community with much needed resources. We advocate for males whom are incarcerated and women who just need some guidance and support. Community engagement activities is something I live for. Gathering with elders and millennials to have discussions to help bridge major gaps in our area. This summer we will be hosting classes to teach others how to garden at home, I'm also going to start My Farmers Training Program in March. I really want a farm in my area, a place where I can spend my time growing food with love for the members of my community. I have so many plans I just a great team and more sponsors lol. I'll be there soon. Oh Yeah, how can I forget about the public speaking events that we attend. Spreading awareness and Love is super important to me. Especially because many of us are already tuned in with the darker sides of ourselves. EUUNI helps to bring awareness to societal issues and work on ways to educate others about health, wealth, and unity!


If you would like to donate to EUUNI click the link below. All donations go toward fees needed for community engagement events, paper filing, refreshments, possible training to serve our target audience better and/needed equipment:

I am abundantly receiving prosperity from the universe, but it's going to take more than just a title to make me rich on this material plane. Now, I don't necessarily want to be rich, but I do want to enjoy life, you know, while I'm CUTE and YOUNG!

I want all my bills paid months in advance, and I also Will to never have to worry about how much money is coming into my bank account. There is a solution for everything. At least that's what the universe has revealed to me. Almost anything that you want, as long as you believe it to be, then it will be. So cliche right? Well I thought the same exact thing myself. For many years I had crippled myself into to thinking I couldn't do better and I had convinced myself that I was, indeed trying my best.

Ha! Well the honest to God truth, is that I was absolutely deceiving myself. I was straight up, fooling the rat sh*+ out of nobody except myself. You see I would work all damn day. Clocking in for "The Man" 6 days out of the week and living pay check got it...PAYCHECK! Then I'd come home, cook, clean up, and sit down and wait for the kids to come home. When they got home, I did homework with my oldest, fed the baby and put her down to sleep, and then I'd stay up binge watching some horribly played out Reality T.V Show.

Can you see where I went wrong there?
1.I was working for someone else, helping them become rich, while half my coworkers and I complained about having to work so hard for so little.
2.After I had worked for someone else 6 days or more per week, I did my home duties (yes) except I would sit back for at least 3 hours, doing absolutely nothing to change my circumstances. Not an application, no research about starting a business, just complaining about how much I ought to be paid, and going home to mope around. Is that you? Lol don't worry it happens.
3.And then I did the same thing once I had the children in bed.
4.I almost forgot about THE COMPLAINING!!! I came to a space in my spirituality where I began to question who I was. And then I started to complain about it lol. And then I complained about my Life!!!

I had no drive, I wasn't motivated, and I didn't love what I had chosen as a career. I grew tired and finally quit my job(s) out the blue. I paid at least 4 months rent and I spent all my spare time networking online, reading self help books, finding the right mentors, and social groups to spiritually align myself with my PURPOSE. Making room for the career that I had been able to create myself. Making moves without checking in with a boss.

Now I can say, I am well on my way to financial freedom. I still have a ways to go but it's so close that I can almost taste it! I started finding ways to accumulate residual income. One way that I find works well is becoming an affiliate. Now I was going affiliate crazy back in 2012 but I realized these affiliations are beneficial to me.
Well these are programs that I believe in. I typically share everything with the world that I enjoy. I found that by doing so it can make me money. While I sleep!
By sharing deals, packages, and products with people on social media.
Each time someone purchases a product "cha ching" commision paid! Share with others how they can become associates and do what I do.-------> And Boom $$$$$$$ cash flow!!
I remember when I joined MCA in 2012 After a week I had mad $1,100!! I couldn't believe it!!!

Affiliate Programs:
I have found many online affiliate programs where I can invest just a few hours per day sharing their many opportunities and amazing products, crypto-currency, Gold and Silver, CBD Oils, Water filters, and a few more, and last but not least placing money in long-term and short-term stock market portfolios.

Look....this move into financial freedom is a very tough journey. For me it's exciting and adventurous. It isn't for the weak, it isn't for the lazy, and it isn't for the Negative Nancy's. It take a lot to become your own boss. It takes blood, sweat, tears, dedication, motivation, and some amazing RITUALS (Yeah I said IT). I'll talk about my magical side sometime later. You've got a lot to learn about me.


Get $10 and so will I once you make your first purchase:

I have spent months really researching the best companies and stock to invest in, I will share more of this information in future post. I have found some that are actually amazing companies looking to help others become as financially stable as they are. This is what I call a genuine company. Companies that seek to serve and bring better possibilities into this world. Businesses that strive to help people Master Self. And now I am building a pathway to becoming a spiritual/life coach...not to mention I have been taking classes to become a nutritionist and herbalist. I'll have an organic farm and Doula business as well. Yes I'm going to make it happen, because that's what I do I AM SOURCE.

I am able to do all the things that I like. How many streams of info can you and your family benefit from? Being a BOSS is hard work, so if your not about that life, don't even try it.

CTFO has a CBD Oil Afilliate and Health&Wellness products:

Invest in Gold and Silver by clicking the link below. Gold coins, gold bars, paper money with gold chip. Gold makes for great gifts and can be used as collateral for the purchase or exchange of goods and services. Ever been behind on payments, and wishing you could just borrow money..well investing in Gold mean you can begin to put your gold bars to the side for times of crisis!!! Yes rainy day Bars. And Mean It (in my most ghetto black voice ever).


And one of my faves, All Vegan, All Organic Health Products IN GLASS CONTAINERS
Just a tip...GLASS JARS are beneficial they don't contain chemicals like plastic and tin cans -------->:

When the world is changing, you have to be able to pull out your V card" (Not Virginity)", but versatility.


Welp times running out. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you discovered something truly lovely today. Something lovely about yourself....See Ya Lata!!!


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