Spiritual Narcissism: Rise of A New Cultural Consumption


It seems these days I find myself embodying the role of a socio-political commentator more so than an actual philosopher (maybe they are one in the same, who knows?). I reckon that our contemporary “idiocracy-like” (Brawndo!! It has electrolytes....) culture and celebrity worship tendencies make this role an easy one as the resources appear to be robust and never-ending. This being said, I find myself narrowing my problematizing of this modern day malaise to a particular trend I have been noticing lately. The trend I speak of is "spiritual narcissism" and the subsequent rise of new age spirituality.

Now before I get too ahead of myself, I should bracket this conversation with the assertion that I am not against new age beliefs per say nor do I consider myself to be anti-spirituality. Many spiritual practices, like meditation for example, are good for self-reflection, health and well-being. Also, several of these spiritual practices, I do, in fact, do myself. It is not necessarily the spirituality aspects that gives rise to this social critique but more so how, why and the ways in which these practices are invoked. I am mostly concerned about the level of self-absorption, elitism, separation, and self-perceived purity that often seems to accompany those that claim to be among the most “enlightened” of us. What the heck is up with that, right??

I think within these groups of “enlightened” individuals spirituality becomes yet another item of cultural consumption. I liken the spiritual narcissism trend to the “keeping up with the Jones’s” trend that we saw emerge in the 80’s. It didn’t matter if you can actually afford all the toys, homes, expensive bags and vacations but what was more important is that you appeared to be able to live this way. I find myself wondering how many of these folks who profess universal love, peace and good vibes are actually at all concerned with these things and not just the appearance of them. Many of these so-called "enlightened" people upon closer examination are some of the least self-aware, self-obsessed and apathetic people I have ever encountered. What gives?

So, what is with these spiritual narcissists and what draws my ire?Here it is in a nutshell; They seem to want and need to believe that they are somehow so gifted, unique and ever so very special. This belief morphs into a weird power/knowledge dynamic that is somehow merged into some perverse caste system. Furthermore, there is often the hint that people are somehow responsible for their own misfortune because of some sort of misguided idea of karma or inability to be a powerful "manifestor" as if thought alone can change circumstance and ultimately the world. Yes, our thoughts do shape reality but these same thoughts also need to be guided and turned into practice in order to do so. Why must we find a way to always put a hierarchy to every thing? Even the appearance of goodness becomes a commodity to flaunt and capitalize upon for prestige, social and political gain. Ultimately this way of being only serves to divide and separate humanity into yet another layer of striation.

Come on, what if instead we all just decided to follow the simple idea of Ram Dass?? He once sagely suggested: “We are all just walking each other home.” Why don't we meet people from where they are emotionally and spiritually, and just be good neighbours? Why don't we just start there......

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