Imbolc - a season of hope and growth.

Imbolc - (pronounced ee-molc) marks the end of winter and the beginning of Spring, noted by the return of the sun and the growth of new leaves, the sprouting of the crocus and other early flowers.


It is a pagan festival celebrated on 1/2 of February and is a day of honouring the Celtic Goddess Brigid (pronounced breege). Brigid is the Goddess of poetry, healing, midwifery, and Smith craft.....anything that we can craft with our hands, she can be called upon to help. She is a triple Goddess, and at this time of year Wiccans light multiple candles..white for Brigid, for the God usually yellow or red as a reminder of the passing of winter and the rebirth of the sun heralding Spring, the time of the Sun.


Imbolc signifies the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God. It is the lengthening periods of light that awaken her. Her son the God's power radiates in the longer days and his warmth fertilises the Goddess earth....this germinates seeds and brings new growth.....and this beginning of Spring ushers in hope.

Imbolc is a sabbat of purification after the darkness of winter through the wonderful renewing, energising power of the sun. It is a festival of light, of fertility. It was once marked throughout Europe with blazing bonfires, torches, in all of it's forms. Fire is more than warmth to us, it represents our inner light.
Imbolc is also known as Oimelc, Lupercalia, the Snowdrop festival, Brigid's Day, Feast of Pan, the Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light. There are probably many other names. Female Wiccans carry tapers during their invocations, and others follow the old Norwich custom of wearing crowns of lit candles. It is a magical ceremony to behold.

It is tradition just after performing ritual, or at sunset on Imbolc to either turn on the lights throughout the house, or to light candles / lanterns in each room to honour the the glorious rebirth of the Sun.

On this day if one wants to glimpse moments of the past or future it is the perfect time.

I must say I did my own welcoming the light dance......good thing I live alone. My pack joined in though. 😂

Photos taken with Sony Xperia Xa

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