downloadfile.jpgScientists discover how meditation can changes the brain

Meditation is the most powerful tool we have for spiritual growth and transformation. It releases stagnant, stuck energy that is holding you back
– Anchor or deepen your emotional stability
– Makes you embrace and become more of your true self, and
– Experience greater health and vitality, And, science has proven that a consistent meditation practice:

– Reduces stress. A Harvard study estimates that 80% of doctor’s visits are caused by stress
– Creates greater relaxation and improved sleep
– Increases emotional well-being, decreases depression and anxiety, and enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance
– Improves concentration, focus and productivity
– Increases memory and recall
– Increases self-awareness
– Encourages healthy life choices
– Elevates mood and increases happiness
– Increases longevity and slows the aging process
– Strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, the source of all disease

Meditation allows us to move beyond fight or flight reactions into greater response-ability,

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