What's The Point? Considering Giving Everything Up

I returned from a trip to Europe where I fell off my routine of diet and exercise... and very quickly fell back into depression.

I decided to return to Anarchapulco and went for a walk with the dogs and considered what happened... and came to the conclusion that, in general, nothing material, or of this Earth, interests me much anymore.

One of the reasons I realized this is because I used to get somewhat excited to travel to new places. But on this trip I wasn't excited at all... if anything I was just depressed. And it made me realize that almost everything I used to enjoy, I no longer do.

That led me to pondering about ditching all material items, quitting everything I do and going to live in the forest alone in China... surely to be quickly known as "crazy gwai-lo".

You can see my thought process here:

  • (on a sidenote, I have been trying to upload this video to https://dtube.video but it keeps crashing when I try to upload. If anyone knows why please let me know in the comments below as I'd much rather use DTube than YouTube)

I've since spoken to my wife about these thoughts and we may have come up with a plan for me to try out this lifestyle of living alone in the woods, fasting and with nothing for a bit before I decide to do it fully or not. More on that possibly soon. (Or if you don't hear from me for a few weeks that is probably why)

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