Spiritual Moments


I don’t know how many of you believe in the non-physical realm of the world. The intangible things that can’t be felt in the traditional sense, the things you feel inside of yourself but usually can’t come up with an explanation for. A thing i refer to as “The language of the universe”. The thing inside of you that goes off when maybe you walk passed someone and suddenly out of nowhere you are uncomfortable, you don’t feel safe. You don’t know why, but you can sense that something isn’t quite right. Or maybe you feel something on the completely different spectrum of things… you see someone from across the room, you’ve never seen them before but you sense you want to know them. Again you don’t know why, you are just drawn to them, it’s something you fell deep inside of yourself. If you are willing to listen to that instinct, that raw gut feeling. Your intuition, the language of the universe, it can truly be an amazing guiding force. At least in my experience it has been.

I bring this up because after a long St.Patty’s weekend, which actually turned into a long week… I found myself feeling a little lost and alone in the world. Felling quite doubtful about where I was and what I was doing with my life. Feelings for me that typically arise after a long week of partying hard so I decided it was time to check back in with myself, I needed a good hike to somewhere I could find a little clarity and a lot of solitude.

I chose to hike up my favorite hill, Goat Hill, this hill brings you to the highest point on the entire island and gives you a 360 view. I was hoping through exercise and nature I would have some sort of epiphany, about what I’m not exactly sure. Maybe a new career path, maybe a way to meet more like minded people… but I knew I was looking for something. I reached the top breathless but feeling more clear minded than I had in at least a week but probably longer. I looked around at all the beautiful sights… The rolling hills, the dense brush of the desert terrain… outlines of our sister islands across the horizon, the sea showing every blue you can imagine as the clouds played a game of hide and seek with the sun. I studied the way the waves rolled in and broke across the dark blue patches of the reef. I felt the wind in my hair, the sun on my skin. Took in the smells you can only smell when you are truly surrounded by nothing but absolute nature. The salt, the wild island flowers… I sat down to mediate for I’m not sure how long but by the time I was done the sun was starting to sink, broadcasting the beginnings of a magnificent multi colored sunset. The kind that the only come from a partly cloudy day. I turned my attention to the center of the top of my hill, it was only then that i realized how many hundreds of dragonflies had gathered and were just flying all about. So graceful, beautiful… I would even venture as far as to say majestic. I was, captivated by the dance they danced and filled with a feeling of hope and confidence.

We are all individually on our own quest, to reach our higher selves and become what we have always known we can be. Few of us know what that is, or where to go to find it. For me, I trust in the “soul of the world”, the universe. I believe in following the signs put before me and paying attention to one of my most valuable senses, my intuition, the language of the universe. Sometimes, if not often, I wander from my path as many of us tend to do. Though no matter many how times I wander or how far I wander, I find when I really need to make my way back I need only to refocus my energy and trust my instincts. Every day I get a step closer. Sometimes for me taking three steps backwards is just the reality check I need to get myself to make the next ten steps forwards.

The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change in the perspective of self realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.
The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.

The dragonflies on the hill to me were one of the more obvious signs I have ever stumbled upon, most signs seem to be more subtle. In my moment of true doubt the soul of the world spoke and its words did not fall upon deaf ears. I am exactly where I am suppose to be and moving towards the place I am meant to go.

It was on this night after being on my hill a friend mentioned blogging to me. So here I am trying it out. Who knows where it will take me, but after having what i found to be such a spiritual experience for myself that evening, I decided I should probably give it a shot.

Here are some photos I took that evening as well as a video of all the dragonflies.





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