Crystal Healing! My Favourite Crystals and How I Use Them

Crystals have always fascinated me. How the earth produces such treasures from the dirt, the rocks. They are the most natural of beauties and I think that is why I was draw to them the minute I was introduced.
I had a friend who’s mum had many crystals, everywhere.. scattered from corner to corner all around her home. It was the most welcoming and comforting thing about that home and I loved to visit, especially when I was younger. As I got older, I think she noticed my interest and one day presented me with a gift, lots and lots of tumbled crystals! I was over the moon, stoked!
Of course when I was this young and this naive I was unaware of the energy associated with the crystals. I don’t remember the defining moment but I was soon balls-deep (lol) in finding out about these rocks.
I want to share with you some of my favourite crystals for healing. I use these a lot for when I’m feeling unbalanced, stressed or if I want to enhance my current emotions.

Keep in mind that this is how I use MY crystals.. every person feels different around a particular crystals and they will evoke different feelings and energies depending on is using them.

Changes for the better/ Tranquility/ Emotional balance
When I went to my first ever crystal fair in 2017, Aquamarine was the crystal I set out to have. I have a strong connection with this crystal that I believe I subconsciously formed as a child after an experience in water. I sleep with this by my bed or hold it in my hands when I’m feeling uneasy, emotional unbalanced or stressed. Aquamarine is associated with the throat and heart chakra and helps to assist me with sore throats and tonsillitis.
Cleanse with- water.

Rose Quartz
Love/ Beautiful dreams/Overcoming depression
I was on the hunt for a piece of rose quartz as it seemed like an essential. I had googled far and wide but didn’t feel connected or compelled to purchase anything. Then one night, wandering through some Christmas pop-up markets, I see this huge chunk of rose quartz. And that was that, I took it home with me like a new-born child.
I keep my rose quartz by my tv in the living room, it opens the whole room up to receiving love. At night, if I'm experiencing bad dreams I’ll keep it by my bed to promote good dreams. This crystal also aids with feelings of depression.
Cleanse with- water.

Opal Aura
Rejuvenating/ Peace Enhancing/All Healer
Opal Aura is one of my absolute favourite crystals to use.
I use Opal Aura for any occasion, whether it be I need to relax, sleep or especially if I want to enhance feelings of happiness and peace.
It is an aura crystal so its man made by having a Quartz crystal bonded with platinum or silver (mines platinum).
Cleanse with- Moon

Amethyst was one of the first crystals I received from my friends mum, and for a long time it was the only crystal I owned. Amethyst is one of my favourites as it just emits beautiful, calming and soothing energy, and helps you to explore deeper relaxation. It also carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity spirituality, but bears the logic of temperance and sobriety. Amethyst also sends me off to a peaceful sleep when I am feeling anxious or unable to sleep.
Cleanse with- Water or Full Moon

Aqua Aura
Throat Chakra/Communication/Telepathy
Aqua Aura is another man made crystal, created by taking a Quartz crystal and fusing it with gold. I feel incredibly connected to this crystal though I do not use it that often. I found this crystal at the first crystal fair I went to. I was looking around the table at all the Aqua Aura’s and a lady told me to pick one up and hold it in my hands. She told me to close my eyes and take a deep breath and feel the crystal. At first I was confused on how one could ‘feel’ a crystal. Then all of the sudden a huge rush on energy came over me and I felt myself getting hot. I am not bullshitting here people, this was one of the most uncanny experiences ever. But just like that, I was out of there with a stunning piece.
I use Aqua Aura when I am going to interact with people and I need a little help getting my words out. I also use this for silent communication, understanding how other people are feeling and learning to understand. I also find this is very helpful for when I am getting sick or have a sore throat.
Cleanse with- Warm Water

Mahogany Obsidian
Overcoming Obstacles/Grounding/Strength
I had this crystal for a very long time before I learnt what it was and how it could help me. Mahogany Obsidian takes the energy of both red and black crystals to provide you with strength and protection. The black removes negative energy and danger while the red settles and grounds you. I bring this crystal with me to work to help me get through the sometimes-negative atmosphere. It also to helps me find solutions to any problems I may encounter. A very strong and powerful crystal that I use very often.
Cleanse with- Fire.

I have many more crystals than I’ve shown here, but these are a few I feel particularly attached to at the moment and have been using recently. If you have any questions about the crystals I’ve shown here or want any information regarding crystals, please leave a comment and I’ll try and help you out the best I can!

Thanks for reading!

I used a few resources to help me understand my crystals:
The Complete Crystal Bible - Cassandra Eason
Crystal Connections, A guide to Crystals and How To Use Them - Adam Barralet!

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